Example sentences of "[conj] then [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 In 1939 , for instance , in an obituary of Ford for The Nineteenth Century and After , he had written of ‘ the stilted language that then passed for ‘ good English ’ in the arthritic milieu that held control of the respected British critical circles , Newbolt , the backwash of Lionel Johnson , Fred Manning , the Quarterlies and the rest of ‘ em ’ .
2 Anderton scored in the 26th minute after Barmby had headed Neil Ruddock 's cross back across the goal , delivered the corner that Teddy Sheringham converted after 44 minutes and then crossed for Barmby to score late in the first half .
3 The exhibition in London was seen last year in New York and San Francisco , dispersed and then reassembled for its only European showing .
4 The forests have been extensively logged and then cleared for cocoa , coffee , rubber and palm oil crops .
5 In a second season Biscoe visited New Zealand and the Chatham Islands , and then made for South Shetland .
6 Biopsy specimens were fixed in 2.5% phosphate buffered glutaraldehyde , and then fixed for one hour in 2% osmium tetroxide in the same buffer .
7 She played for her native Czechoslovakia in 3–0 defeat of Austria in 1975 , and then played for the United States in 1982 and 1986 .
8 An infant suspected of having pyloric stenosis would usually be assessed by a house officer in the casualty department and then referred for a surgical consultation .
9 The police were called in , the museum 's curator-in-chief , Mme Lydie Huyghe , was sacked and then indicted for ‘ complicity in embezzling public funds ’ .
10 All sections were coded and then analysed for the relationship between nitroblue tetrazolium deposits and the degree of inflammation .
11 Perhaps the most famous of all , this ham is dry cured when it is rubbed with salt and then matured for 3–4 months .
12 It was simply a case of going , going and then gone for the Information Technology manager as Wimpey Hobbs ’ Alice Richards — a trained first aider — got to work with the razor .
13 Control cells and T2 cells transfected with rat TAP1 a and TAP2 a were infected overnight with influenza virus Hongkong 68 and then tested for HLA-A2.1-mediated presentation of the influenza matrix antigen using the CTL clone Q66.9 .
14 But she replied only with a slight inclination , and then turned for Conchis to take off her wrap , which he placed over the back of his own chair .
15 And then sent for you .
16 They had to make their way from North Africa to England to join the Free French forces and then volunteered for the Commandos .
17 But against their gross revenues and then standardized for a person earning $15,000 per annum this represented only $96 .
18 After two days , Beattie 's trial was adjourned for eighteen days and then resumed for a further three days .
19 Hankin moved on to Peterborough and then signed for Tommy Docherty at Wolves .
20 Both grass and clovers recover and grow more quickly when grazed hard for a short period and then rested for two to three weeks than they do under continuous nibbling .
21 ‘ Paddock grazing ’ , in which the grassland is divided into small paddocks , grazed hard for a short period and then rested for up to three weeks , is a very good system for the control of parasite worms , the life cycle of which is broken during the rest periods .
22 If it has just been created using option 2.1.1 — Create DC , it should now be updated using option 2.1.2 — Update DC and then submitted for assessment using option 2.1.3 , whereupon no further changes will be possible .
23 The roadway is closed to traffic by a turnpike , then , underneath a kind of Bridge of Sighs connecting the main block with the buildings attached to the Arch , it is closed again by a set of ornamental gates — and then closed for a third time by another turnpike .
24 Emily and I let the girls home early and then returned for one last look at the old building .
25 They should be between 23 and 30 cm ( 9–12 in ) long , with the lower leaves removed , and then buried for up to between half and two-thirds their length in a sheltered bed or border , spaced about 15 cm ( 6in ) apart .
26 After graduation he held house appointments at the Royal Victoria Infirmary ( RVI ) , Newcastle upon Tyne , and then worked for a year in pathology at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore before becoming house physician at the Hospital for Sick Children , Great Ormond Street , London ( 1939 ) .
27 After the Law Society Finals she served articles in private practice in Cambridge and then worked for a year as a litigation assistant in a branch office of a Suffolk firm in Mildenhall .
28 After a brief spell as ambassador to Turkey , he was expelled from the party and then worked for the Slovak forestry commission .
29 There was a rustle of excitement as the listeners exchanged expectant looks and then shifted for more comfort on the hard wooden seats .
30 ‘ Oh , is it weed , or fish or floating hair … ? ’ he intoned , and then added for no one 's benefit , ‘ Charles Kingsley . ’
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