Example sentences of "[conj] there [modal v] be " in BNC.

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1 I have remarked on its dominance in Oxford English , and a generation ago it was given magisterial expression in Northrop Frye 's Anatomy of Criticism , which aspired to a ‘ scientific ’ criticism where there would be no place for evaluation , since it is not nobler to study stars than earthworms .
2 He dreamed of a society where there would be no capitalist bosses ; no unemployment ; with food ; housing and medical services for all ; where old women would not be thrown out of their lifelong homes to make way for richer tenants and children would never go hungry .
3 Others agreed with the idea of a sanctuary , but suggested that it should be situated somewhere else where there would be no conflicts with recreational fishing , prompting Steve Dawson to draw the analogy of ‘ putting a plaster on your bum to treat a boil on your forehead . ’
4 But Hari had ambition , she wanted to raise her business to great heights ; to one day own an emporium where there would be shoes of all descriptions , serving the best customers in the country .
5 If this continued for long enough , conceivably the situation would arise where there would be no daily shortages for the Bank to monitor and operate on .
6 Our Minister had reminded me of a sermon by a former St. Andrew 's minister , about ‘ A Garden City , ’ where there would be realisation of the twin idelas : service and society .
7 In some cemeteries , particularly overseas where there may be a risk of earth movement , stone or bronze plaques on low pedestals are used instead of headstones .
8 There is a clear contrast here between cases of the use of serious force in self-defence , where there may be a need to act instantaneously on a hastily formed view of the situation , and sexual intercourse with another , where consent or non-consent is the essence of the crime and can be ascertained by asking a plain question of the victim .
9 The only area where we wo n't be altogether unfettered is in selection for multi-sport events such as the Olympic Games , where there may be policy considerations laid down by overarching bodies such as the IOC or BOA .
10 The need for redevelopment and reuse can also arise in the case of large country houses and estates where there may be pressure for the introduction of heritage centres or other types of leisure development .
11 It might , however , be the method of choice against mosquitoes in urban regions where there may be more houses than breeding places , where there is likely to be opposition to house spraying , and where the breeding places are limited and more easily identified .
12 Having explored some aspects of being a principal carer , and the cared for elderly person in a close relationship in a family , we need to look in more detail at the character of informal care networks , where there may be more people involved in a less intense way .
13 There are three types of trails in the Grand Canyon — maintained , where there 's a good path , semi-maintained where there may be a path , and unmaintained where you need a compass .
14 It is also now recognized that even where there may be some correlation between certain factors and certain forms of abuse , it is inappropriate to assume that the one causes the other ; both may be linked to a third but underlying set of structures and mechanisms .
15 These criteria need proper definition : although in an open competition one may fail to get the job because of another superior candidate , in this situation ( where there may be no competition from peers ) the shortlisted candidate may still be rejected — not for performing badly at the interview , but on technical grounds by poorly informed committee members .
16 On the other hand , notes can be extremely useful for radio , particularly for long phone-ins where there may be quite a few questions which require detailed instructions in the answer .
17 We assume continuities of communication between other animals and ourselves where there may be none .
18 For example , in circumstances where there may be legitimate public concern about the violation of human rights by the new regime , or the manner in which it achieved power , it has not sufficed to say that the announcement of ‘ recognition ’ is simply a neutral formality .
19 Common costing books : in some industries where there may be variation in the form of the finished product because of variation in the buyer 's specifications ( for example , industrial engines , building services ) a book may be circulated by a trade association which shows how the overall cost of the specific product variant can be calculated .
20 Indeed , in a publishing environment where there may be a need for perhaps a dozen word processors but just one page makeup system this approach has strong financial advantages .
21 However there may well be a wider interest at issue , in that it may be contrary to the public interest for decisions to be made where there may be a likelihood of favour to another influencing the determination .
22 This may be particularly important in service industries where there may be limited net asset backing .
23 It might be thought that she understood what she was doing , and there was no permanent harm ( cf. boxing where there may be ) .
24 In other cases , especially if space is limited , handling sessions will take place in a special classroom , where there may be other related resource material available and where practical follow-up activities can be carried out .
25 Where there may be ambiguity , because two works exist that were published by the same author in the same year , the two works can be labelled ( a ) and ( b ) , as in , Kachru 1982(a) and Kachru 1982(b) .
26 For example , in a village in South India , where there may be say twenty distinct castes , a single honorific particle may have just one meaning ( e.g. speaker is inferior to addressee ) but have twenty distinct rules for its appropriate usage : members of one caste may use it to their cross-cousins , others only to their affines , etc. ( for the actual details see Levinson , 1977 ) .
27 A database for a short exercise on the scientific properties of WATER may , for example , be easier to index initially than one for a project on the lives and achievements of famous people , where there may be greater scope for individual interpretation .
28 Father 's going to take you to market tomorrow , where there 'll be crowds of people ready to pay for entertainment !
29 It was a lot like hitting a room where there might be terrorists waiting in ambush , he thought as he opened the door .
30 The fact that they happened to be sites where nuclear waste was already produced , where there might be a flicker of acceptance from the local population , and appeared to have been chosen more from expediency than science , did n't seem to embarrass the already embattled industry .
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