Example sentences of "[conj] all [noun sg] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The funds can either be roll-up , where all income is retained and reflected in the price of the fund , or distributor , where at least 85% of the income is paid out in dividends to the investors .
2 It is his second interpretation , deriving substantially from Nietzsche , that has become dominant in deconstruction as popularly understood , where all meaning is turned into ‘ play ’ .
3 But what about the regimes he defends in other Arab countries like Saudi Arabia where women can not even drive a car and have no rights at all , and where all opposition is crushed without mercy by long prison sentences , condemnation to death or assassination ?
4 ‘ No. 13 is the body shop where all woodwork is assembled and carriage bodies erected .
5 The resolution would move the African elephant and its ‘ products ’ from a listing on the Cites appendix II — which allows regulated trade and a quota system for African nations — to Appendix I , where all trade is banned .
6 But it is the farmers who are the hardest to interest ( although all planting is grant-aided ) .
7 Although all testimony was recorded on paper in English , the procedure of police court trials was relatively simple .
8 I hope today that all excitement is centred around the Felton goalmouth .
9 For studies of ICJ transit , with this method , a value of 1 indicated that all the isotope was in the first 4 cm of ileum ; a value of 6 indicated that all isotope was in the caecum or colon .
10 This thesis , that all generation is division , continued throughout the B , C and D notebooks and was reinforced by an explicit equating , in September 1838 , of division and gemmation or budding .
11 In its January report , the BLDC political subcommittee had recommended that all legislation be submitted to a two-tier voting system .
12 In considering the right of the individual to know the law by simply looking at legislation , it is a fallacy to start from the position that all legislation is available in a readily understandable form in any event : the very large number of statutory instruments made every year are not available in an indexed form for well over a year after they have been passed .
13 ‘ The idea of believing that all cyclist are handbag snatchers is ludicrous .
14 Firstly , it suggests that all experience is dependent upon fantasy and wishes ; secondly , that all perception is an object , a feeling .
15 He was able to tolerate this because he did have a kind of ultimate theological perspective of his own : in a style that owed a good deal to Hegel , he believed that all history is a movement of the spirit which is on the way to a return to God , and will at the last find its home in God .
16 Thus we commend the Bible to be read by the Churches and by Christian families in their homes , as nourishment for their souls , and not to be separated from the sacrament in the liturgy ; we commend modern translations , into the various languages , as a help to understanding ; we commend the people who have the duty of seeking to interpret the Bible in terms of the modern scientific view of the world ; and remind the Churches that all knowledge is of God and therefore that scientific discovery is also part of His work ; and so the world will be brought to know God as its Maker , and the Cross as timeless .
17 They think that all knowledge is to be found by perusing him , and not by looking at the real world .
18 He reiterates that all knowledge is ‘ ultimately ’ derived from the senses , but explains that this does not mean that it directly comes from it .
19 The pragmatists thus argue that all knowledge is hypothetical and fallible ; that the meaning of concepts must be rooted in their social context ; that we should focus on the consequences rather than the origins of knowledge ; that all distinctions and boundaries to inquiry are relative to the stage of development of the inquiry ; and that the standards or norms of inquiry are developed as part of the process of inquiry .
20 The choice of materials is critical for product security , safety and presentation purposes , but it is the Group 's policy to ensure that all packaging is as ‘ environmentally friendly ’ as possible , and meets the appropriate legislative standards wherever it is sold .
21 Check that all stitching is in good order when you clean your tack .
22 As we know , exercise plays an important part in any diet/exercise routine , but the key thing is that all exercise is not the same .
23 Guar bread appears to be the answer to the baker 's prayer ; it counters the popular belief that all bread is fattening and that white bread is too refined to be healthy .
24 Althusser asserts that all ideology is ‘ centred ’ while science is ‘ decentred ’ and his no subjects and no Subject but it remains unclear how science might escape from ideology .
25 As the calculations are worked out it is vital that everyone in the Government ensures that all expenditure is scrutinised , that no money is wasted and that cuts do not fall on or anywhere near the people who are worst off in our society .
26 The persistent failures can always be traced back to the original false premise that all existence is controlled by an undefined and unassailable ‘ god ’ .
27 Piaget 's work also exhibits a parallel with Marx 's concept of praxis , in his insistence that all development is derived form practical interaction with the material world , in which we live , and with which we are held in tension .
28 But inasmuch as these two chapters show that routine policing exists in the province , they are useful as a corrective to the folk model of policing in Northern Ireland , which assumes that all policing is related to the troubles ; that police officers have been brutalized as a result of their baton guns , face masks , and riot shields ; and that they know or prefer no other mode of police work .
29 This is not to say that all conflict is constructive .
30 The aim of the audit is to select one contractor every two weeks and to check such things as the implementation of health and safety plans , to ensure that all documentation is in order and that safety training programmes are being undertaken on an ongoing basis .
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