Example sentences of "[conj] if she give " in BNC.

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1 He had sworn at her , jeered at her , called her a lump of cold batter , told her to get to the devil , told her that he was sick of the sight of her , that he had married her for her money , that if she gave him any more of her canting preaching he 'd hit her one that she 'd remember .
2 She gulped hard , struggling to suppress the impulse to laugh , knowing that if she gave in to it she would not be able to stop .
3 She knew perfectly well that if she gave him any warning he 'd find some excuse to refuse to see her , so , having dumped her own things in her flat , she went straight round to his , hoping to catch him before he went out .
4 In spite of her shaking legs , of the heat swamping up from her stomach , of the overwhelming desire to throw caution to the winds and not think about anything else , she was also conscious of the fact that if she gave in , went out with Karl , Uncle Willi would be unbearably hurt , and that she could n't cope with .
5 She looked at Sophie 's stricken face and added , ‘ He told her that if she gave them some garbled story he would sack her on the spot .
6 He 'd loved her and left her once , and if she gave him a chance he 'd do it again .
7 The form of service and the choice of hymns , if any , should be your parent 's , and if she is hoping to see her husband 's coffin surrounded by flowers on its last journey , nobody should suggest to her that she should instead consider asking relatives and friends to send donations to a suitable charity , for this may upset her deeply , and if she gives in to it , it may become a burning resentment in her later on .
8 And if she gives me any of her pernickety , finicky quips I 'll throw it over her .
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