Example sentences of "[conj] have another [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 i ring & i ring & have another line or three and then i think that all i want is peace that passeth understanding and the phone is a barbaric instrument of torture and do i really want more images for people to stick pins in me. i wish i could ask the muse , she would know .
2 So , from time to time , " have a man come in the door with a gun " , as Raymond Chandler famously said , or have another murder committed , as Dame Agatha famously did .
3 A women quoted in Ethel Elderton 's 1914 study declared that she 'd ‘ rather swallow the druggist 's shop and the man i n't than have another kid ’ .
4 I 'd rather fill this page with angry letters attacking people who are entertained/moved by fascism , racism , homophobia , whether it 's Morrissey ‘ exploring its fascination ’ or someone scooping out their own shit and trying to sell it to us as ‘ common sense ’ , than have another letter like yours , the first half ( not printed here , lucky readers ) of which is something incomprehensible about The Wedding Present — DQ
5 Go back and have another look at the Sits Vac .
6 Finally , stand back and have another look at the fish … is it really as good as you first thought , or have you become less impressed with it , the more you have been close to it ?
7 ‘ Come and have another look .
8 The rest of the party wanted to go round the block and have another look .
9 ‘ Go and have another shower . ’
10 There is all the difference between keeping slim , well-groomed and well-dressed in order to look good at forty-five or fifty , and putting the same amount of effort into an attempt to put back the clock and have another crack at being twenty-five .
11 Public examination systems are constructed on this principle and have another feature too , that of setting up a norm each year , on which each pupil is judged .
12 So you sup up , and have another whisky . .
13 So try knitting the last row from the opposite side to your normal way and have another try .
14 Come and have another swim . "
15 After a few days recovering , they would skip off to get the bus north and have another go .
16 Most girls just get married once a year and have another baby .
17 Like that would then pay that off and have another mortgage .
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