Example sentences of "[conj] has [be] the " in BNC.

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1 The sentence is not related to the offence so much as whether the defendant is homeless , jobless , or has been the subject of a care order , and this is more likely to have happened to black youth .
2 Nor has being the younger brother of Alfie , the most successful British Open caddie in this era .
3 THE French market bid a cheery au revoir to Edith Cresson , glad to see the back of a government that has been the source of much uncertainty , even outright damage , for the Paris market .
4 Exploiting the nationalist rhetoric that has been the hallmark of the Congress , Mr Yeltsin promised to support the 25 million Russians living in other Commonwealth states .
5 Exploiting the nationalist rhetoric that has been the hallmark of the Congress , Mr Yeltsin promised to support the 25 million Russians living in other Commonwealth states .
6 For some I know this is simply not enough , but as the years go by I find that Chopin 's ultra-refined eloquence of utterance responds more readily to an unforced , more integrated style than the ferocious changeability that has been the very kernel of Chopin playing for the last twenty or thirty years .
7 It is just this protection that has been the justification for farrowing pens .
8 MDC 's success or failure will inevitably be judged on its ability to develop quite different approaches to urban development than the physical regeneration process that has been the hallmark of its achievements to date .
9 If she is wise , she will soon get the message , and think to herself ‘ Oh well , so long as they 're happy , that 's all that matters ’ — an attitude that has been the saving grace of many mother-in-law/daughter-in-law relationships .
10 In the interests of maintaining the friendly atmosphere and camaraderie of crowd and players that has been the hallmark of rugby union above all sports for so very long , we must minimise the confrontational aspects of these occasions , whilst respecting and enjoying the traditions and pride of the individual countries involved .
11 But this leads us into the area of secularisation that has been the most damaging to the Christian church .
12 The Royal Mail 's new mountain bike lookalike is a million weary miles from the boneshaker that has been the mailman 's rusty steed .
13 Looking back , I think it is probably that constant contact with our community of wood lovers that has been the highlight of my time at Woodworker .
14 The Recommendations look to the future and describe what the author of the report thinks should be done about the problem that has been the subject of so much investigation .
15 Yet it is migration to and from rural areas that has been the main concern of rural geographers in the last century , and so attention is now turned to the first major theme of this chapter , rural population change .
16 All the cases of leukaemia in Thurso were centred on this estate , which lies just within 12.5 km of Dounreay , so that the excess there was much higher than in the next cumulative zone , which included the eastern half of the town ( within 16.6 km ) , a difference that has been the subject of much comment .
17 However , The Times warned that the deal took Citizens into a much larger market in Massachusetts , ‘ a state that has been the graveyard of more banks than the federal authorities would care to remember . ’
18 Yet family planning programmes have almost invariably focused upon the cessation of childbearing after two or three children , a tactic that has been the signal to many women and couples that the service did not meet their needs .
19 I join the House in expressing sympathy to the families who have been so griveously bereaved through this tragedy , a tragedy that has been the experience of so many of the British people in Ulster over the past 20 years .
20 Based on the following , delegates , I 've been lucky like many of you , to live in a country where I have had available to me a National Health Service that has been the envy of the world .
21 It was going to be used as a gardening shed for tomatoes but for me it has been the history and finding out about its past that has been the fun .
22 One wishes the Scotts the longevity that has been the hallmark in the past of both the Austen Hayes Gallery in York and the Stone Gallery in Newcastle .
23 Scotland must take their chances in London against a side that has been the most consistent for the last few years if they are to come away with the spoils of victory .
24 ‘ Once I 'd gone I was asked to do a wide range of things but not because I was Chrissie Rogers but because of me Ethy Browne that has been the most satisfying aspect .
25 Although Eurotunnel 's attitude to Trans Manche Link , the contractors ' consortium , was more conciliatory yesterday than has been the case , there are still important differences to be settled .
26 On the whole , therefore , researching the RUC has been more difficult than has been the case in most other studies in the sociology of policing ( for an exception see Punch 1989 ) , precisely because of the sensitivity of the topic in its social context .
27 This is just one more sign that the courts may be balancing the scales of justice a little more fairly than has been the case over the past decade or so .
28 As we shall see in subsequent chapters , the approach they have taken to fundamental freedoms has on a number of important occasions been radically different and altogether more liberal than has been the case here .
29 A House of Commons , faced with a crisis , could easily seek to make a more extended use of its power than has been the case during the era of self-restraint .
30 The books being published now are more attractive and relevant ; they are usually written by experienced and practising nurses rather than doctors , and as a result are more appealing to the reader and are reviewed more enthusiastically than has been the case in the past .
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