Example sentences of "[conj] has [be] used " in BNC.

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1 Smoking is a very ancient art that has been used for hundreds of years to preserve fish and meat , preferred to salting because it does not destroy the natural flavour of the food to the same extent .
2 I am employing the kind of argument that has been used to resist demands that God prove Himself by miraculous interventions of some form — demands that in Christian tradition Christ himself refused to satisfy when he turned down the Pharisees ' request for a ‘ sign ’ and asked that they have faith instead .
3 By rail you could alight at the tiny wooden platform that has been used by servicemen for decades .
4 Mefenamic acid is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has been used for other gynaecological problems .
5 Spreadsheet models are so useful that they have a tendency to outgrow the capabilities of the software that has been used to implement them .
6 Spreadsheet models are so useful that they have a tendency to outgrow the capabilities of the software that has been used to implement them
7 This acrylic surface is the type that has been used at the US Open ever since it moved from Forest Hills to Flushing Meadows .
8 One classificatory device that has been used frequently draws distinctions between church , denomination , and sect and cult .
9 It is the same spray material that has been used for ages on potatoes and other crops , and can be a great help here also .
10 It is this discretion that has been used routinely to allow questioning which Parliament had intended should be exceptional .
11 Say that the wrong person has been murdered , a basic idea that has been used and used again but which , given other fresh aspects to your book , can very well be made to serve once more .
12 Translation of the concepts in a search profile will involve consultation of the thesaurus , classification scheme ( or its index ) or list of subject headings that has been used in constructing the index to be searched .
13 In Section 8–2 , we outline the one-sector equilibrium growth model that has been used in most treatments of the dynamic effects of taxation .
14 This tendency not to see beyond the individual and his or her legal specialism that has been used before , to the other service available in the firm , is an old-established one — ‘ although , ’ said , ‘ I had hoped we were starting to get past that ’ .
15 The method that has been used to store the bigram and trigram matrices relies on the fact that if no value for a trigram transition is available then the system backs off to the bigram value .
16 Competition , as many writers have told us , is a term that has been used in innumerable senses .
17 Feminists and other progressives have always been uncomfortable with the whole notion of morality , viewing it as an essentially conservative concept that has been used to bolster traditional modes of thinking and undermine efforts for change .
18 The Bivvy Dome is E.T . 's latest offering to the specimen lads , a shelter that has been used for a couple of seasons by leading anglers like Ritchie McDonald and Pete Springate and whilst it may not be everyone 's cup of tea , it certainly has its advantages .
19 These results were taken as supporting a temporal discrimination hypothesis of the same type that has been used elsewhere to describe short term verbal recency effects ( e.g. Bjork & Whitten , 1974 ) .
20 ‘ All the money that has been used against the Copts has been supplied by you .
21 This enables water that has been used in the final rinse for previous dishes to be boosted on the next batch to clear off detergents .
22 This apparently backward causality , if true , would cause problems for identity theories of mind and has been used by dualists like John Eccles to support their position , with the backward step in time made by a non-physical mind .
23 Amongst the most important of these carefully plotted works are : de Falla 's The Three-Cornered Hat ( 1919 ) which originally accompanied a mime play and so fascinated Diaghilev that he commissioned the composer to enlarge it for Massine 's ballet ( see page 59 ) ; Vaughan William 's Job , commissioned by Diaghilev , was unused until de Valois created her important ‘ Masque for Dancing ’ ( 1931 ) ( this marked the inaugural performance of what has become The Royal Ballet ) ; Arthur Bliss ' Checkmate ( 1937 ) was choreographed by de Valois after both composer and choreographer had worked on the plot ; Prokofiev 's Romeo and Juliet was composed with the help of a Shakespearean theatre expert and has been used notably by Lavrovsky , Ashton and MacMillan ( see page 26 ) ; and Ashton provided a roughly outlined plot for Hans Werner Henze 's score for Ondine ( 1958 ) .
24 The above approach towards any type of character role is a very typically English trait and has been used in music halls , pantomimes and comedies fur many years .
25 They are now certain an explosion was caused by Pentrite , a plastic explosive which requires much less skill to handle than Semtex and has been used by a far wider range of terrorist groups .
26 Bt var israelensis ( Bti ) rapidly became the basis for commercial products for mosquito control and has been used with considerable success in many countries .
27 It is a breathtaking tactic and has been used most dramatically in the debate over federalism .
28 Vai is a recognised beauty spot and has been used as a film location .
29 It was developed in WW2 for aircraft use and has been used since in car fuel .
30 BELOW : The site was originally quite complex and has been used for cloth manufacture , flock and shoddy production .
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