Example sentences of "[conj] were also [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It seems probable that Kent imported material directly from the Frankish world ; Scandinavian imports to Kent may have come directly or were also channelled through Francia .
2 They might , therefore , reasonably be expected to share characteristics that were also possessed by those common ancestors , even if they have unique characteristics as well .
3 Communications with Tamiami Airport and with WAM were not re-established as FlyPast went to press , but Susy Q , the WAM B–17 , is thought to have been blown over on top of the A–26 Invader and/or B–23 Dragon that were also stored outside the WAM hangar .
4 For other mascarades of a similar informal nature that were also performed in rooms , not theatres , most notably several composed by André Danican Philidor in 1688 and 1700 , quite a lot of information about the staging survives .
5 There are many fine buildings — where a plain exterior conceals fine Georgian rooms , for example , or where there is an interesting timber-frame construction — that were also overlooked .
6 ‘ Though under constant shell and mortar fire , ’ as the official history recorded , ‘ the sappers blasted their way through critical roadblocks , and were also engaged in making roads passable for tracked vehicles . ’
7 Alcoholic beverages frequently played a ceremonial and religious role and were also consumed on social occasions , mainly with a meal .
8 Capital Radio offered free Music Box equipment to the first one thousand callers , and were also inundated with calls .
9 William Berkeley , William Ovedale and Roger Kelsale were made responsible for victualling the ships , and were also authorized to receive all those prepared to make their peace with the new regime except Woodville himself , Dorset ( the only indication that he might have joined his uncle ) and Robert Ratcliffe , a former associate of Rivers at Calais .
10 William Berkeley , William Ovedale and Roger Kelsale were made responsible for victualling the ships , and were also authorized to receive all those prepared to make their peace with the new regime except Woodville himself , Dorset ( the only indication that he might have joined his uncle ) and Robert Ratcliffe , a former associate of Rivers at Calais .
11 " The opponents of change were no less blunt and were also given space to express their views in the BDN .
12 Royal patronage was by no means limited to cathedral and collegiate prebends , which were often too valuable to be suitable and were also plundered by the pope for his servants ; parish livings , too , were increasingly invaded by the king 's men .
13 At the same Council meeting amendments to motion were formally moved by Councillor and ex-Councillor respectively , and seconded and were also submitted to the Committee .
14 At the same time , at the same Council meeting , three amendments to the motion were formally moved by Councillor , Councillor and ex-Councillor respectively and seconded and were also submitted to the Committee .
15 Fresh elections were due on April 7 in six constituencies where turnout on Feb. 24 had been below 50 per cent ( the average turnout was over 71 per cent ) , and were also awaited in two constituencies where a run-off on March 4 had failed to produce a winner .
16 They therefore had a certain amount of power over others and were also known to receive ‘ perks ’ , for example extra food from the kitchen .
17 Anomalous scattering data were included in the phasing calculation and were also used to determine the correct enantiomorph .
18 At one time , the water mains and service pipes were made from galvanised iron or lead and were also used for providing an electrical earth connection to the house .
19 Rats were given repeated exposure to presentations of a light in context A and were also familiarized with a different context ( B ) in which no stimuli were presented .
20 For the two older children , both pupils at Kirkwall Grammar School , the same sort of ‘ pen portraits ’ were supplied by guidance staff , and were also considered by the parents to be woefully inadequate .
21 He was also aware that homosexuals in Britain at this time not only lived under the threat of illegality but were also regarded by many as deeply offensive .
22 All hospital patients had been given a diagnosis of primary depression uncomplicated by any underlying condition such as alcoholism , but were also given a full clinical interview ( PSE ) by the research psychiatrist .
23 Many suffered hardship waiting for payments but were also made ineligible for help from the Independent Living Fund and other benefits because of the ‘ complete administrative disarray at the Benefits Agency ’ .
24 Patients 302 and 303 died from myocardial infarctions but were also known to be affected with polyps found on screening in their late 30s andboth having later bowel resections .
25 Incidentally , the cattle of Landes used to be treated with great care as draught oxen ( they were never overworked and were given special headgear to ward off flies ) but were also used in amateur ‘ bull races ’ in which bad-tempered oxen and cows were teased into charging at people .
26 Those students who had entered their degree course through an Access course qualification or by passing a specific matriculation examination were recognised as ‘ access entrants ’ ( AEs ) but were also included within the NSE category .
27 As a result , many of these houses not only lost their lived-in feel , but were also emptied of the everyday objects that are increasingly seen as essential to a proper understanding of their history and function .
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