Example sentences of "[conj] an [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Institutional shareholders prefer an employee trust to an option scheme , as it will not dilute their equity in the company ; this is because an option scheme established by a company usually provides for options to subscribe shares , whereas an employee trust can be empowered to grant options over shares already in issue and which come to be held by the trust , as where an employee leaves and sells his shares to the trustees .
2 Where an instrument transfers property in contemplation of the sale of the property at a later date , its treatment will depend on whether it falls within the terms of s 90 , FA 1963 .
3 Mont Blanc exists , and it will go on existing until it wears away or an earthquake knocks it over .
4 An inventor , a scientist or an entrepreneur projects into the future to see the result of his gadget , his experiment or his enterprise .
5 This is fun I like talking into This diagram shows the reach or an airline distances are in kilometres the figures for them are only rough one , a jet flies from Beirut
6 The energy that an electron gains from an electric field of one volt is what is known as an electron volt . )
7 The main charges relate to the creation of a false market in Blue Arrow shares between mid-1987 and January 1988 , by giving a wrong impression that an £837million rights issue and placing of Blue Arrow shares had been successful .
8 The managing director of a big British agency , when he heard his colleagues saying that an agency stands or falls by its creative department used to reply , " No — it stands or falls by its progress control department . "
9 Yes , I think that an insight feminists have had about soap operas , about the real contributions they make , is that they 're a way of starting conversations about important topics , either in the family or with colleagues at work or whatever .
10 Moreover , the single judge directed that an amicus curiae be appointed and Mr. Carlisle has appeared in that role .
11 The big oddity is why pay remains low for skills that an industry needs but can not find .
12 The essential quality that an entity needs , if it is to become an effective gene vehicle , is this .
13 But no sooner have they dematerialised than an explosion rocks the ship …
14 For the King 's Theatre he composed five Italian operas , of which the first , Orione ( 1763 ) , and the last , La Clemenza di Scipione ( 1778 ) , were perhaps the most successful , and an oratorio Gioas , Rè di Giuda ( 1770 ) .
15 Second , when red-hot magma comes into contact with a large volume of sea water , the water is converted instantly into steam , and an explosion results .
16 Attended a conference in Finland , and an ASH branches conference in Edinburgh
17 Leave to move this court for judicial review was granted by Kennedy J. on 7 June 1990 , and an amicus curiae was appointed .
18 When he had wolfed down a few chapattis and an onion bhaji , Amiss took a slurp of lager and then leaned back .
19 Tony Weller denounces the railway as ‘ unconstitootional and an inwaser o'priwileges ’ ( MHC 3 ) .
20 For further details and an application forms ( to be returned by 1 March 1991 ) write to Civil Service Commission , Alencon Link , Basingstoke ( answering service operates outside office hours ) .
21 If an insect blunders into it the owner will rush out , deliver a swift poisoned bite to her victim and then wrap it in bonds of yet a different silk and carry it away for consumption at leisure .
22 If an estimator intakes a mistake or error of judgement a contractor may look for ways to recoup any shortfall .
23 If an experimenter prods the siphon , the Aplysia withdraws siphon and gills , and folds them up within the mantle cavity .
24 The vendor will then be in a similar position as if it were still the original tenant under the lease and it will remain liable if an assignee defaults unless the landlord releases to vendor in the licence to assign .
25 As Wittgenstein expresses it , ‘ if an order runs ‘ Do such-and-such ’ then executing the order is called ‘ doing such-and-such ’ ’ .
26 If an audit shows that a practice , substance or plant is an environmental hazard , then the results of the assessment should available for all employees and reps alike .
27 If an employee trades up to a more expensive model and the employer makes a charge , an output tax liability arises on the value of that charge , except where the employee pays by way of deduction from gross salary .
28 One side effect of this site security mechanism is that if an employee transfers between sites , all that needs to be done by the transferring site records department is to change the site code to the new site .
29 To help you convalesce you will be paid an additional tax free lump sum of up to £800 if an accident results in a stay in hospital for ten days or more .
30 • In addition to any lump sum benefit you receive , Accident Cashcard will pay you £800 if an accident results in a stay in hospital for ten days or more .
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