Example sentences of "[conj] we are be " in BNC.

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1 We 've got a problem at the moment , which is very nasty … where we are being faced with a barrage of patois .
2 Surely the expression suggests that we are being penalised into paying more than our EEC partners .
3 We may feel that we are being neurotic if we have a bad self-image , vain if we have a good one , or trivial to care at all .
4 A Ford spokesman said : ‘ We are looking at various aspects of our high performance models , not just the hot hatches … it would be fair to say that we are being a lot more discreet about the badging and ‘ dressing up ’ of some models now . ’
5 He knows the precise needs of our hearts , in such a unique and personal way that we experience the remarkable conviction that we are being personally and intimately addressed by his word .
6 for it is in secondary education , and in the transition from secondary education to the next stage , that we are being asked to admit the failure of the system , whether this is measured by parental dissatisfaction or by the number of school and university leavers who do not satisfy their potential employers .
7 Having suggested that the National Curriculum is a constraint , what is it that we are being constrained from ?
8 It appears that we are being conned by the Americans into accepting untested and unreliable weapons .
9 This may sound alarmist to some people , especially those in the chemical industry who have a large financial stake in the continuing use of their products , but there is worrying evidence that we are being made ill by the chemicals around us .
10 Nevertheless the political and social motivation of some librarians and the antics of the media in frequently misrepresenting the situation when books are or are not selected have brought the two practices so uncomfortably close that we are being forced to justify what is undoubtedly a professional task of the very highest order and demanding considerable skill .
11 The iconography necessarily shows rather small numbers of dancers ; generally the seals and rings only allow space for three or four figures , but we should assume that we are being shown only the nucleus of a larger religious ceremony .
12 ‘ It is a shame that we are being penalised for something which has been done by the football club , but there does not seem to be anything we can do about it .
13 We have to be aware of this possibility and , if we find that we are being misunderstood , find another means of expressing ourselves .
14 I mean , schools the only thing I was , I 'd been governor of a a school for thirty years that was used to depress me with the fact that we could n't get for our schools the things that we needed because to me and to all the people in Harlow who have children are concerned that we are being stopped so much money on education which is the most vital thing in our children 's lives !
15 It really worries me that we are being exposed like this . ’
16 ‘ Let us suppose , just for one moment , that we are being over-optimistic , and that Doctor Morris will not reappear , as , of course , we hope and believe he will .
17 I guess that is a form of training as well , in that we are being made more aware of teaching issues and problems as they appear to the everyday teacher .
18 The system that we are being offered as an alternative is unclear ; it is nonsense ; and it will not work .
19 I do not know how we can make that judgment until we have seen the texture of the decision that we are being asked to make .
20 That shows the standard of the management that we are being asked to endorse if we pass the Bill .
21 But that we are being held in protective custody in a special private clinic .
22 So if we do under-fund , and I 'm not suggesting in these proposals that there is any major under-funding in the proposals in front of you this morning , but the dangers of under-funding are that , inevitably they will first impact on the end that we are being asked to develop as alternatives .
23 Well it so happens that I did intend you to do a paramount of talking this afternoon , so it 's quite convenient in a way that we are being recorded .
24 There are so few positions available to us above grade C it seems unfair that we are being penalised for taking more responsibility for less remuneration .
25 So if there 's anything , there 's a slightly different approach to it , and one thing that we are being urged to do , through the very way in which you mentioned in another context , is to make sure that facilities are appropriate locally , and developing policies within that .
26 Yeah is n't , you you 're much more labour-intensive than we are are n't you ?
27 If an insurance company were having to pay out , they would want a lot more information than we are being offered .
28 We should emphasise at this point that Garrett is much less specific than we are being in describing the model .
29 That well-known fountain of knowledge — the fat blerk down the pub ( I assume every pub has one of these ) — seemed to think that there was more to the Batty deal than we are being told .
30 erm If we go back , Kuwait has always been an independent country until the Ottoman Empire was erm threatening that area , and they were ruling the Arab peninsula , which later to be known as Iraq , and when the Kuwaiti people felt the threat of the Ottoman Empire they signed a treaty with the British at that time , and that was in eighteen ninety nine and Iraq was established in nineteen twenty , so we are are ahead of that .
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