Example sentences of "[conj] that [is] be " in BNC.

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1 So th you are in no doubt that that 's was
2 And I think that that is is is .
3 Erm , Mr Brighton was was critical of the County Council in just using the residual method to determine the size of the new settlement , er and then in in backing up that justification erm referred to work that is included in in Barton Willmore 's proof , I 've I have read this survey work quite carefully , and my understanding of it is is that erm by un undertaking a survey of settlements in the county , they have established , albeit f f f for information purposes only , a population threshold for a particular type of service , erm , in in the North Yorkshire context , erm the implication I I understand from that is is that that is being used to justify a fourteen hundred figure or or whatever it is to achieve the level of services that would would be required for a a balanced integrated community to use the words for the guidance .
4 Editor , — Tony Hope and colleagues make the important points that clinical decisions may incorporate decisions about rationing of health care and that is is important to clarify ethical judgments implicit in such decisions .
5 And that is is is not what I get cos what I was doing is doing them meself and then
6 Now there 's a word I 'm going to use right now which is a technical term in a way and that is is er the technical term for the study of language and how we speak the word what we say and how we say it .
7 And that is being done outside of the statutory services and outside of the voluntary sector .
8 And that 's been a very long process .
9 And that 's been another thing that 's been worrying me over the weekend .
10 And that 's is your letter box up at Christmas yet ?
11 exactly , I mean this , this is , this is the I R A , they 're not part of any fucking small community they are the fucking community unto themselves and that 's is that , that was he 's answ erm , that was he 's answer to the question of do , do you believe him or something , you know , well all in all it was quite interesting
12 God knows I 'm a failure , an insignificant speck of human nothingness trampled on indifferently by every casual passer-by , thought Dyson as he followed his wife out of the kitchen into the living-room , with his fists clenched in his trouser pockets and his face set in an unyielding frown , but there is one thing in this world that I 'm not going to stand for , and that 's being nagged by my wife .
13 It 's been overtaken by events in that you have apparently had an application in and that 's being studied , when , next Monday ?
14 Only grey mud is visible on the drill pipes at the moment and that 's being pumped into the well to bring up the rock fragments from below .
15 They get typically twice or two and a half times the salaries that our people get and that 's being going on for a very long time .
16 And that 's be a good thing
17 Erm two and that 's be two .
18 it was kind of hard for them to pay it and that 's were it came in that the people who actually had the black book would lose out on their dividend because their dividend would be used to pay what was owed by other people .
19 When we 're using the fax facility and we get a series of policy numbers and a problem coming through to us erm that 's not so bad cos that 's being amalgamated by the branch secretaries , when it 's going back , and we do it on the same one single fax going back , they 're sitting there snipping up individual replies , you know putting individual replies into consultants ' baskets unless they photocopy the whole sheet in which case they 've got a confidentiality problem .
20 If that 's being an idiot then I guess I 'm an idiot , and I 'll be a happy idiot because I like travelling light and having fun .
21 Sorry I 've had to juggle that we 've got some new documentation just being prepared for that but that 's being er .
22 The government meets three quarters of the costs of section eleven projects , but that 's being cut to half over the next two years .
23 In retrospect it seems obvious to say that the laying of burr veneers onto any substrate is temperature sensitive but that is being wise after the event .
24 While that is being done , their families at home , in Zaire , Somalia , Iran , Iraq , or wherever it may be , are in great danger if the authorities in those countries find out that an asylum application has been made in Europe or anywhere else .
25 Of course play may well be slowed down if the new rules are imposed and there has to be a ballot before every strike , but while that is being negotiated Mr Christie may well resort to the block vote at the back to defend his resolutions .
26 Wh whilst that 's being done , can I just add that do n't feel inhibited ab I want you to make your best case , but I mean you know , if if you can make it in five minutes instead of half an hour then nothing will be lost in that .
27 I find myself in some difficulty in that the statement I have prepared does not debate the merits of the inner and outer routes , but merely the question of is there a need for a relief road er and what are the benefits that the particular relief road er that we are currently promoting which is the outer northern , whether that is is sufficient to demonstrate that it is meeting a need .
28 I do not know whether that is being emulated elsewhere , so I am asking rather than making a statement .
29 Yes , I , I was born in this house but er I do n't wish people to know er because er this is a funny world , I , I do n't know whether that 's being recorded I expect
30 And you 'd covered the acid house and you 'd covered AIDS and you 'd covered all the social issues , 'cos that 's was missing from the British press — it 's all like conventional politics as usual , or you get the
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