Example sentences of "[conj] had [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 No such route was possible or had probably ever been possible .
2 In the present she mostly enjoyed herself , or had so far : ‘ I 've been sad so often yet from day to day I 've enjoyed everything that was going . ’
3 These perceptions and feelings were to be examined qualitatively rather than by means of any standardised measures , since it was felt that such complex issues could not be ( or had never successfully been ) encapsulated in a standardised scale .
4 Nor had there ever been a DEA operation or unit called Corea , or anything similar to that name .
5 To continue without a far more searching analysis than had so far been made would have been the height of folly .
6 This belief in ‘ independence ’ is well entrenched in the West and it has developed out of a general mistrust of centralized political power and of power that had historically not tolerated the free expression of dissenting views .
7 And that had just about been that !
8 Lucien and Jeopardy sat down upon rough wooden boxes that had presumably once held the instruments .
9 He announced that over one-half of the force reduction promised by Gorbachev ( see above ) had been completed and he issued the most detailed breakdown on Soviet force levels that had thus far been provided .
10 But then something happened that had simply not happened with an previous ‘ miracle ’ technology the people demanded a voice .
11 The group found themselves part of a movement called ‘ Shambling ’ , which was largely a reaction to the po-faced stance of goth that had only just entered its coffin .
12 We allowed our gaze to wander south until it lighted upon the bulk of Ancohuma 's eastern slopes , a face we knew nothing of on a mountain that had only just entered our lives .
13 Leaving his cry wafting after him , he disappeared in pursuit of a housemaid who was busily removing all the clean antimacassars that had only just been placed lovingly in position for the oil-bedaubed heads that would shortly be resting on them .
14 That Fran had no intention of doing just that had only just struck him , and he did n't like it one little bit !
15 And yes , I suddenly recollected the image of the small shining triangle of a Stanley blade being passed out of the driver 's cabin : an image that had only momentarily concerned me .
16 After lengthy farewells Rachel followed David across the grounds to the Rosemount wing , which turned out to be a new building that had only recently been opened .
17 This was BBC Television , an off-shoot of the world-renowned and world-respected BBC Radio service that had so admirably lived up to its motto to ‘ educate , inform and entertain' the general public throughout the war .
18 The Picture that had so nearly secured its hold faded from the refracting blankness in the instant it took Harry to realize what it was that Kingdom wanted from him .
19 She saw his mouth , the mouth that had so nearly covered hers , curve into a provocative smile .
20 Robbie nodded , mentally apologising to him for all the scathing epithets that had so nearly tumbled from her lips .
21 As representatives of the sovereign nation whose king was a captive in Talleyrand 's chateau , the patriots claimed to supplant the structure of the ancien régime that had so signally failed in the supreme test of patriotism .
22 With that homely air of perplexed affection that had so long endeared her to Louisa 's heart , she gave voice to a remaining consideration .
23 Folly stared unseeing at the crumpled sheets , as if the bed that had so recently harboured their ecstasy might now prove the anodyne to pain .
24 Waiting to go into hospital was devoted largely to the consideration of this strange disease that had so suddenly materialized from nowhere , secreted itself in my hitherto unglamorous , unblemished , unconsidered inside and now threatened me .
25 He felt she was about to laugh aloud and he wanted to join her , his every thought consumed with the miracle that had so suddenly happened to bring Ken back to them .
26 Bruckner was 39 and in the process of shaking the dust off a provincial career that had so far brought him distinction only as an organist and as a craftsman-composer of the old school .
27 And try as she might she could not detach her eyes from the object on the table that had so totally winded her .
28 That is to say , all seized on an element of structural and formal strength in his work , which they saw as a corrective to the formlessness which had characterized so much French painting since the Impressionists had insisted on the validity of an instantaneous form of vision , that had so often dissolved the solidity of the material world into a haze of atmospheric colour and light .
29 It would be nice to find that the campanile is original Romanesque , but alas it is as modern as 1820 , replacing the first that had long since collapsed .
30 There was a time in the Swinging Sixties when the Richmond Meet looked like an anachronism — an out-dated throwback to more genteel times that had long since passed .
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