Example sentences of "[conj] they see i " in BNC.

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1 Well I went outside and I shut my gates and they saw I mean , er I was looking at them as I was shutting the gate , there 's only three of them !
2 I was the first British person most of them had met and they see me as a bridge to the outside world , ’ she said .
3 They have the Fair in a great field where the sun beats down and the people look at me , and they see me very clearly , and they look away , and some of the children laugh and some of them cry , but they are all afraid .
4 My elders in the newsroom kept a paternal eye on me , and approved if they saw me working on my Pitman 's .
5 Yes , it had been a strange episode , and not only were those people unaware of my name but I 'd like to bet they would fail to recognize me if they saw me again .
6 It would n't look good if they saw me carrying them . ’
7 If they see me there , no one gives a bugger .
8 I then expect I will be tortured , and if they see I do n't die they will poison me .
9 I saw them before they saw me .
10 I shut the door quick , before they saw me . ’
11 When they saw me the laughter stopped .
12 ‘ Word had got round that I was wearing red , but I think the guests were relieved when they saw me , and realised my dress was n't too outrageous , ’ says Alison .
13 Some of the men , when they saw me looking at them , smiled shyly , and as if automatically scratched their swollen codpieces .
14 I heaped much obscene verbal abuse on various owners to the extent that several begin to leash in their ugly mutts when they saw me coming .
15 When they saw me winning , the clubhouse went crazy with people cheering and whooping .
16 ‘ I thought my family and colleagues would faint when they saw me but they loved the new me instantly , ’ she said .
17 They dropped their voices to a whisper when they saw me but I 'd seen them taking nips from a bottle of gin .
18 I can still see the looks of astonishment on his friends ’ faces when they saw me , a white man , drinking out of the same glass . ’
19 Both babies would smile stickily when they saw me over the edge of the cot , which was gratifying in a way , but I knew it was only because they were programmed that way , like public relations men .
20 I 'm frank and candid by nature and so perhaps not surprisingly my career was blocked , former friends learned to cross the street when they saw me coming and I quickly became a non-person ; a communist speciality .
21 But when they saw me walking out of the sea , they welcomed me warmly with cries of astonishment and delight .
22 People had gone up to a house and been knocking on the door waiting for someone to come because the light had come on and they thought there must be somebody in because they switched the light on when they saw me come up the drive , and these are visitors .
23 They began to scream when they saw me , and their mother fainted .
24 Some of the people ran away when they saw me , but the others shouted and threw stones at me .
25 Their faces were filled with horror and fear when they saw me .
26 My family were very worried when they saw me .
27 But then people started talking , whispering behind their hands when they saw me .
28 But there were five of them there one day in the porch and when they saw me they gathered up their bottles and began to go , except one .
29 When they saw I was no longer struggling , they quickly built a platform next to my head , and an official climbed up there to speak to me .
30 When they saw I had no presents ,
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