Example sentences of "[conj] they have [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 And er y you sort of make your list of who has to go and where they 've to come from , take it into the office , and they organize it .
2 She went to a different school from us , a convent school , where they had to wear uniform .
3 To make matters worse the scheme included an irrigation scheme on common land used by the women and with the help of the government , the men gained exclusive use of these lands , pushing women onto inferior , poorer quality land where they had to continue to try and grow the traditional rice .
4 ‘ Some people kept little trees in secret courtyards , and flowers in their houses , but they were n't supposed to , and if their neighbours reported them to the police the people would have their trees chopped down and the flowers taken away and they would be fined or put in prison , where they had to work very hard , rubbing out writing on bits of paper so they could be used again . ’
5 The hardest task for the lads was swamp skiing , a severe test of cooperative behaviour where they had to navigate a 50 metre course barred by three electrified barriers on two 10 foot planks of wood .
6 They often agree to intercourse because they feel they must or they think they 've got to a certain age where they have to do it .
7 This means assessing their likes and dislikes by means of preference tests where they can simply choose between different options , or ‘ operant conditioning ’ tests where they have to perform some task such as pecking a button to get access to ( or to exit from ) a particular environment .
8 ‘ There are no barriers being put up on the basis of age but the national team is now in a situation in qualifying Group I where they have to produce every time in the six ties that remain to be played .
9 It 's because they 're caught up in a system which keeps blacks in positions where they have to play only secondary roles to whites .
10 And where they have to come out onto the road before the Shilton dip , where they actually come from Scrubs Lane onto the road , it 's on a right angle bend and , you know , we 've had several mishaps down there .
11 It 's not just health problems they suffer but many people can get really depressed living in houses where they have to keep washing the mould off the walls .
12 Either the five had to be willing to take these alone , or they had to yield somewhat to encourage France to return .
13 And many women actually did take to their beds when they were menstruating and erm sort of retired from active life and this was n't possible then because so many women had been called up you know and they had had to be in the army or they had to work in factories and it was n't possible for them to be absent .
14 Or they have to do what we will never do and that is take the quality out of it .
15 Either there have to be bilateral agreements between the competition-policy authorities in different economies , or they have to cede the authority to act to a supranational body .
16 This is an unreal place to be , because if you ca n't talk to other women , yet you believe all women must in the end come to separatism , then either those women have to be born separatist or they have to come to it through isolation , pain and struggle .
17 So there 'd be delay in probate unless the children have got the money , so they have to borrow against the property or they have to raise money to pay the bill .
18 John and Isabel were happy in their marriage even although they had to go into hiding occasionally , with friends or on the muirs .
19 They encountered no difficulties en route , although they had to traverse one of the most dangerous ambush points in all South Scotland , at Pease Dean , where the Lammermuirs came directly down to the coast in steep wooded slopes cut up by deep ravines , and round which travellers had to wend their narrow , devious way .
20 If he showed them the latest Washington telegram which he had seen before his departure [ KPs 66 and 85 ] , they would have been made aware that although they had to exercise the utmost restraint for the time being , a new and firmer policy might soon be adopted .
21 Some of the displaced religious married , although they had to separate during Mary 's reign .
22 Something must be wrong when , although they have to travel further they are coming in cheaper .
23 It is comparable with the now discredited phonetic method of teaching children to read where they no sooner learned to read by this method than they had to scrap all they had learned and then start all over again and learn to read properly .
24 For the social sciences have more to gain from each other than they have to lose , and the precise origin and pedigree of new findings and theories is of little importance so long as they extend and expand our understanding of the world .
25 You have probably already … . ’ — she looked viciously at her son , for a moment , making him flinch from her temper-'Women do not need more men than they have to put up with . ’
26 Occupational types , for example , whether crofters , fishermen or merchants , are together presumed to have more in common than they have to divide them .
27 The Commission hopes that the threat of new restrictions on cars , this time on the Europe-wide level , will spur the Japanese to do more in this area than they have to date .
28 Crucially , Realism provided a justification for the kind of foreign policy which the leaders of the USA felt that they had to undertake in the period immediately after the Second World War .
29 ‘ I 'm told the front rows in the Moore tragedy were so close that they had to bend at the waist to get in ’ , said Akpata .
30 There were also others who felt that they had to stop work because of their own or their spouse 's ill health .
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