Example sentences of "[conj] they [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In a report to a plenary meeting of Tsektran in June , he said that trains should stop acting like droshkys , carrying people and goods where they wished for little or no pay .
2 It was self-service , and guests carried their food on little plastic trays to mucky tables , where they ate to the accompaniment of strident pop music .
3 The successful 20 progressed to the International Open , where they competed with foreign challengers for places in the Grand Prix .
4 In 1851 George Sumner was appointed rector of Old Alresford , Hampshire , where they lived for thirty-four years , and where their son , ( George ) Heywood ( Maunoir ) [ q.v. ] , artist and archaeologist , was born .
5 The health service residents were originally in the now closed St John 's Hospital where they lived in wards with up to twenty people .
6 The US duo arrived in Spain on a private jet from North Carolina , where they played in the US Tour Championship on Sunday , and both have to be back in the States next Monday .
7 ‘ ( 1 ) strict rules of evidence were inherently inappropriate in a court concerned to decide whether there were substantial grounds for believing something , such as a court considering an application under the Bail Act 1976 ; ( 2 ) when considering an opposed application for bail justices were bound to investigate an alleged change of circumstance but where they erred by refusing so to do their subsequent order was not rendered void , although a court with appropriate jurisdiction could interfere to set it aside .
8 With the help of the dogs , who leapt silently through the snow , George managed to usher them to a barn , where they massed on the sheltered side .
9 The team was put through a daily fitness programme , starting with a 40 minute run before breakfast and finishing at the nearby police gym where they took in circuit and weight training before going on another one-and-a half mile run .
10 The Germans , where they thought about it at all , regarded Poles of all varieties as uncivilised upstarts whom they loathed for their backwardness , presumption and ambition , and this was a judgement that many East Prussian Poles accepted .
11 While other constitutional texts , where they existed at all , have for long periods been purely notional , national autonomy never ceased to have a certain operation reality .
12 Prudential Assurance 's policy treats items such as the installation of a telephone and television aerials where they existed in the old house but not in the new and the reconnection of electrical/gas appliances as separate items .
13 Eight Green deputies were elected in eastern Germany , where they campaigned in alliance with the civil rights group , Bundnis 90 .
14 What is more , the old iron trucks with their armour plating are still lying rusting beside the old Kubri road just where they came to a halt in 1948 , the wheels stripped of their tyres but their iron bullet shields still intact .
15 It took the three of them over an hour to reach the bottom of the slope , where they came to a halt .
16 The impression of the wood grain is often preserved on the metal components where they came into contact .
17 It did n't concern her where they came from , Marylebone or Mars , And by now she did n't care what shape they came in either , old , young , fat , thin , black , white , brown , whole or damaged .
18 Laughter is the same language the world over , and the sense of pride and group identity which is engendered when a group tells another about who it is and where they came from is a critical factor in the cementation of the group and fostering of indigenous skills .
19 ‘ Send 'em back where they came from .
20 Microstratigraphy provides information on the environment of deposition of the sediments , where they came from and how they were deposited .
21 Recent palaeomagnetic studies , which identify the magnetic secrets ‘ frozen ’ into the rocks when they solidified , have also enabled scientists to decipher when the rocks moved and where they came from .
22 There were plenty more where they came from .
23 And Preston very dubious , because she did n't look like she had a baby in her tummy and experience had taught him to be very sceptical about any information his family gave out , especially on the subject of babies and where they came from .
24 She would never have been able to operate without her husband Eric , who for all his bluff and jolly manner was in practice a hard man , a no-nonsense man , who sent trouble-makers back where they came from , into the main prison system , without any heart-searchings or regrets .
25 ‘ Send them back where they came from , ’ the porter said to no one in particular , following it with an obscenity .
26 Still , there are plenty more where they came from .
27 I told him about my family and where they came from , then told him about my father .
28 Gina turned on her aunt in irritation : ‘ I tell you I 've never seen them before and I 've no idea where they came from . ’
29 He is not sure where they came from .
30 Plays about the fractured consciousness of working-class kids who had fought their way through the old class system , emerged on top , and still felt dissatisfied , still realizing that nothing had changed back where they came from , or where they had arrived .
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