Example sentences of "[conj] they [verb] over " in BNC.

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1 But Jim says his firm had to settle for less than they expected over work on the Minister 's home in Putney , south-west London .
2 Well , children can be allowed to express their anxieties verbally and to learn perhaps from the adults ' modelling around them that to talk about these things in moderation is perfectly acceptable erm but not to do it to the extent or to allow children to perhaps watch the news coverage to the extent that they become over excited and are not able to contain their own feelings of anxiety about loss and damage and death and separation from parents and significant adults .
3 Fewer of those mergers , designed to build diversified conglomerates , were ‘ hostile ’ in the sense that they went over the heads of incumbent managers .
4 Intimacies soon followed and , because they did not share a common language in those early days , the words of love that they shared over breakfast had to pass through a translator .
5 The country was bracken-clothed dunes , the plants so tall that they came over the horse 's withers in places .
6 Well they keep complaining about the refectory food so they come over here and have mutton stew with me from time to time , and they I quite like their company .
7 And so they scattered over Minginish , becoming the Hidden Folk .
8 or about five minutes earlier on the motorway and they drove over a part of the barrier , and they got a blow out did n't they ?
9 So when the boys and I met and they said over tea I th , well why do n't we do something about a love affair , it just seemed right .
10 The it comes straight from the coa from the er mines and it 's it 's sent through chutes on these merry-go-round railways that go slow and they stop over this and then it 's all pulverized with heavy steel balls into powder and coal and into the furnaces it 's just blown in .
11 And , and well I remember once there were a whi a few of the men went away to and they got over the stick , you understand what that means ?
12 So then he used to segregate them : they go over there , and they go over there .
13 and they go over the fields .
14 The manager and the members of staff sit down and they agree over the last twelve months which of these bits of training have you had either on the job or as forward training they are ticked off , what do you need over the next six months , let's make a programme .
15 Their views were only approximately the same , and they differed over Christianity .
16 Gradually the haze and sweat cleared from their eyes and they focussed over the open valley they had cycled up from .
17 Their savings were indeed high by Western standards ( largely because of poor government welfare provision and high and escalating housing costs ) , and they rose over the period from 9 to 16 per cent of their income .
18 The patrol probably was n't looking for me — there were too many fugitives in Chinatown to concentrate on just one — but they 'd be more than willing to take me in if they tripped over me .
19 If they fall over them it 'll ring the bell ; you know , the old cow-bell that hangs in the shed . ’
20 with people coming into your house for instruction if they fall over the front door mat
21 " They would n't see a four-leafed clover if they fell over it . "
22 On shore the remaining sheep were released with their new stud ram , whereupon they scattered over the grazing as if nothing had ever disturbed their tranquillity .
23 The plan was basically simple , but they went over the details again and again until mutual satisfaction prevailed .
24 After the hearing he said : ‘ The FA wanted to show law and order but they went over the top . ’
25 Many other sites as well as Rollright have been monitored and the general conclusion so far is that there are radiation anomalies but they vary over time and that only an intensive continuous study at a site is likely to reveal the pattern .
26 But they differed over the emphasis they accorded to incomes policies , reflation , or tougher measures against the trade unions .
27 Okay , because they stumble over their words , they mistakes yes okay ?
28 While they haggle over the prices in the Trusts , you must continue to suffer and the socially deprived remained bottom of the waiting lists .
29 They then wheeled in unison into a shaft of light which held them for a second or so before they soared over the car and away .
30 Mrs Hollidaye had asked when they went over the fields to fetch the creamy milk from Home Farm .
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