Example sentences of "[conj] are [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Since there is evidence that at least some quarrels are attempts to attract attention or are bids for the parents ' favour , make it clear from the outset that while you are not interested in hearing the details of arguments , or the telling of tales , you will not tolerate any hitting .
2 Economists are not agreed ( nor are politicians for that matter ) on how effective it has been or can be , or on what form it should take .
3 They are unique in their early period and are prototypes for later work .
4 Suffice it to say that Demons have now completed their worst season for a long time and that Admirals ‘ B ’ , with a match in hand , are only 99 points behind Borderers and are favourites for promotion .
5 The values for and are constants for gases .
6 Country houses that substantially retain their contents and collections and are candidates for preservation intact as showpieces .
7 It will sometimes be the case that , for certain instruction groups , the number of bits required fully to specify an operation and all its associated information is less than the computer word length ; so these groups are using the word inefficiently , and are candidates for occupying only a portion of a word .
8 All these skills are much in demand in society and are qualifications for a wide range of vocations and employments .
9 However , we did not have the very high rates on many goods such as television sets , which are described as luxury goods but are essentials for many people — rates which we inherited and which I understand that the Labour party would consider again .
10 The number of interbreeding populations is unknown , as are chances for long-term survival .
11 Manufacturers please note : when selling mains testers , instructions are vital , as are recommendations for the correct earthing position of the user . , .
12 Improvements to Ark printing are in the offing , Mr Round believes , as are facilities for transferring data into Ark , which will allow data to be loaded automatically from the firm 's AS/400 database without rekeying .
13 Teacher training colleges are also listed , as are books for further reading .
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