Example sentences of "[conj] are [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The provisions that make this £150 " discrepancy " potentially chargeable are : ( i ) s 19 TA 1988 , the Schedule E income tax charging provision ; and ( ii ) s 162 TA 1988 , which can apply the " notional loan " provisions of s160 to a situation where Newco acquires shares in Target and persons " connected " with Newco , namely management , are or have been employed by Target and/or are about to be employed by Newco , and the Target shares are acquired at an under-value in pursuance of a right or opportunity available by reason of management 's employment .
2 The only appropriate demands that we can make , as we have already remarked , is that we should be given clear examples where they are or are not at work , and that we should be shown how they interact with one another and with more complex factors in ways that lead to verifiable claims about data .
3 Where the director or directors is or are not in sole control of the company , there is no difficulty in holding that he or they can appropriate from the company and the property belong to another .
4 If you live at any distance from medical help , or are not within easy reach of a telephone , it might be wise to add some ‘ activated charcoal ’ to the medicine cupboard , as it can slow down the absorption of poison .
5 We shall make the widening of the Community a priority , and shall advocate speedy admission for Austria , Sweden , Finland and Cyprus , whose membership applications have been or are about to be lodged .
6 While most supermarket chains in Europe have been ( or are about to be ) battered by recession , discounters like Germany 's Aldi and Denmark 's Netto are flourishing .
7 And all the corridors , stairways , and walls in other areas , have either been re-painted or are about to be .
8 The tenant should consider its deletion , particularly where the premises form part of a shopping centre and the other units have already been constructed or are about to be so .
9 Overgrowth cements on feldspars and carbonate echinoderm fragments are similar to quartz overgrowth cements in that they contain few or no inclusions or are commonly in optical continuity with the parent grain ( Fig. 5.27a , b ) .
10 ‘ We do n't mind if the girls have just left school , or are still in school , whether they live outside the town or whether they are married , ’ said the committee member .
11 These were not genuine madrigals though they show madrigalian traits , nor are most of his Songs of sundrie natures of the following year .
12 Nor are most of our prisons overcrowded and some of our training prisons and young offender institutions match the best systems in Europe .
13 All I 'd say is that what you have to do Is to ask questions which although are apparently about what you want to do … where you want to get to should really be telling you about the person you 're — "
14 I still add to subjects that are particularly in my line — playground games like marbles , tops and balls — as at the moment I am working on a book about children 's play .
15 In all we promise the publick to be as careful as possible not to lead them into mistakes , nor will we mention any particular tree , plant , flower or fruit which is not in our own garden … we do not propose to mention many different species of trees and plants that are either in the public Botanick Garden , nor that may be in the possession of some curious gentlemen , but only such as are actually in the nurseries of persons belonging to this Society and from where any Gentleman may be furnished with any of the particulars here treated of by directing their letters for the Society of Gardeners at Newhall 's Coffee House in Chelsea , Nr .
16 Although his love and understanding of much pertinently observed detail , he too often fails to energise the drama at key points , with tempi that are distinctly on the slow side .
17 The coastal marshes where the cattle were fattened illustrate an economy and a way of life that are apart from , though necessarily linked with , the arable farming of the region .
18 The T U C courses that are equally under threat , as pum public funding is withdrawn from them .
19 But despite the differences of opinion that exist — ones that are generally between individuals rather than any factions based on club or country — there is one area of consensus that prevails : That any new laws be given a trial period of at least one year .
20 The two appear to be working through a shopping list of NT 's ingredients , ticking off those features and functions that can already be found in their own , or equivalent , open systems products that are already on the market , or are on the way .
21 But the fact remains that while local authorities demonstrate their continued inability to use the resources that are already at their disposal , when so many Labour-controlled authorities can not even be bothered to collect the huge sums in uncollected rent , I can not see why the hon. Gentleman should be concerned about the level of rents .
22 In the present Chapter I have written of movements in theory in the present tense , whereas what is ideally required is something grammatically subtler — perhaps there are languages where it exists — like a special tense in which the present extends back to include actions or events that are already in the recent past .
23 In ( 3 ) , SPAR is able to identify both some biscuits and a bowl on the floor , allowing both definite noun phrases to be fully resolved ; but it can not find any biscuits that are already in a bowl .
24 The problem is to come up with an analysis and structure which is not only reasonably clear and self-consistent in terms of concepts of knowledge , but which maps on to and helps to explain the curricular structures that are already in place .
25 I believe that Labour 's statement that it will maintain the coal industry at ’ around about its current size ’ is unworkable — especially in the light of the developments that are already in train — and also uncosted .
26 Because it provides a market for shares that are already in issue , the trust is also a good alternative or adjunct to a share option scheme .
27 they 're all words that are already in use , the ones we use in scrabble .
28 The 1990 Report discusses a number of consequential matters that are yet to be decided , including assistance for the deaf ; the preservation of , access to , and use of the television archives ; and the provision of a television feed to Members ' rooms .
29 For the Christian , it is natural that God should become a person at the Incarnation rather than a dog or a stone , not necessarily because persons are somehow more technically advanced on a scale of being , but because they display the qualities that are most to be valued .
30 As children are those that are most at risk from impact by vehicles in housing areas , any search for safer streets should focus principally on them ( Figure 2.5 ) .
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