Example sentences of "[conj] by [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For a third-order Butterworth filter the poles of which are given by where p is any integer including zero , or by where p = 0 , 1 , 2 .
2 my Lord do , do we agree to that now or by tomorrow morning ?
3 As late as 1931 , the war records of Labour candidates were still held against them , although by then Ramsay MacDonald , like Lloyd George before him , had been forgiven his sins .
4 Ian was very upset by his father 's intransigent attitude but he knew what he wanted to do and that was to pursue his studies by every means possible , although by now doubts were beginning to cloud his mind .
5 Do n't get me wrong on this , this is not in any way , shape or form meant to be a criticism , what we 're trying to do here is to sit down and say that by tomorrow night , can we organise ourselves any better .
6 My comment was , I 'm certain that by tomorrow afternoon , Mr you will have found somewhere from your little niche , that you will find the money for it .
7 Now I hope that by tomorrow afternoon you 're able to say yes all those objectives have been met but it may well be and I 'm sure it is that you as individuals have other objectives , you have other issues that you want to address er or put more emphasis on during these two days .
8 The intention had been to give the premiere of Sea Change at Sadler 's Wells to open the Theatre Ballet 's new season there , but it was thought that by then John would already have left for New York to take part in the Sadler 's Wells Ballet 's first American tour , so the decision was made to present the ballet first on 18 July 1949 at the Gaiety Theatre , Dublin , where the company concluded its summer tour .
9 Part of the answer for the change by 1907 lay in the fact that by then Mexico had 20,000 miles of telegraph lines and 17,000 miles of railways .
10 The second reason for linking the British currency to the Deutschmark was the argument that by so doing Britain would benefit from being inextricably tied to ‘ sound ’ German financial policies , especially those aimed at controlling inflation .
11 It was strongly criticized by a majority of the Congress and by both business and the trade unions .
12 During 1992 , the proportion of female to male company secretaries and investor relations officers rose by 1.5% to 7% and by over 4% to 17% respectively .
13 Backs and forwards then have their final session together , rather than apart , and by tomorrow morning McGeechan will have completed an extraordinary preparatory workload .
14 It was a formidable list and by now Mrs Phelps was filled with wonder and excitement , but it was probably a good thing that she did not allow herself to be completely carried away by it all .
15 He jumped to head it clear and by now Blissett was approaching .
16 A score of Necromundans from various hives were staring out through the traceried ports ; and by now Lexandro could talk to any of them , whatever their original hive and their hab-level lingo .
17 ALCOHOL dehydrates the body by making drinkers pass more urine and by now Liz is feeling these effects , so she visits the bathroom .
18 ‘ My disillusion deepened during 1969 , and by then Chapman had offered me a job .
19 The night was still young , so whoever the female was who worked peculiar hours , or whatever the reason was that he could n't have seen her earlier — and by then Fabia was certain that ‘ someone he had to see ’ would be female — then she hoped he had a truly lovely time !
20 It is four months before Stig is well enough to walk properly , and by then winter is over and the race has passed , with Odd-Knut making the top ten but no higher because of the loss .
21 At Monaco , that is particularly vital and by then Niki knew in his heart that in the majority of cases he was probably going to start behind Alain .
22 But observers reckon that it will take at least three years to resolve the situation and by then BS could be virtually bust .
23 The next provincial tour was months ahead , and by then Fred would have seen Daisy through whatever was bothering her .
24 Only after his accession did Richard seek to exploit Morgan 's Welsh connections , and by then Morgan 's private interests had shifted firmly to the south of England , where marriage had brought him land in Dorset and Hampshire .
25 Only after his accession did Richard seek to exploit Morgan 's Welsh connections , and by then Morgan 's private interests had shifted firmly to the south of England , where marriage had brought him land in Dorset and Hampshire .
26 The cession of this province to the Kingdom of Italy would help to complete the work of unification begun in 1859 and by so doing would ease Napoleon III 's conscience about an unfulfilled pledge .
27 The pantomime analogy draws the reader and characters together into a collective fictional position within an audience , and by so doing counteracts the opposite isolating direction of the forces of war , bureaucracy and totalitarianism .
28 The three SNP MPs who voted with the Government this week , and by so doing exerted pressure for increased Scottish representation on the proposed European committee of the regions , acted correctly and in accord with that principle .
29 Costs have been cut by £70m this year and by about £170m a year since the start of the recession in 1990 .
30 From the beginning to the end of the 1980s , take-home pay rose by 41.4% for those on 1½ times the national average , by 37% for those on the national average and by only 32% for those on half the average .
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