Example sentences of "[conj] by [pron] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Do n't be conned by your school friends or by what you see on TV !
2 You can play it by the odds , by intuition , or by what you feel is morally right , but you and Bill are the ones who have to live with the result .
3 Oriental rugs can also be split into four broad categories which relate to their overall characteristics and appearance , rather than to where or by whom they were made .
4 On the other hand , certain of our major retailers ( e.g. Marks and Spencer ) are commonly thought of as models of efficiency , and their ‘ own brands ’ command widespread respect — the typical consumer does not think twice about which factory or by whom they are made .
5 It is a relief to know that the police , at least , were sufficiently attuned to the realities of contemporary social research to drop charges even if a nagging doubt remains as to how or by whom they were set on to the investigators .
6 For ethical reasons , no social researcher should expose respondents to that possibility , and others over whom this threat does not hang or by whom it is treated lightly , such as ex-policemen and women or disgruntled members of the force , are too unrepresentative to give a balanced view of policing Therefore , it was necessary to undertake an overt study and to obtain permission for the research from the Chief Constable .
7 Like every abbot or bishop , he was clothed in the persona of the saint to whom his church was dedicated or by whom it was founded .
8 . And erm she goes oh sh he knows your reputation , I mean he not , maybe not by face but erm but he 'll know you , you know , just , he 'll know your reputation or by who you hang around with , I went I 've never done
9 Or by itself it might be too it might be too big to have anything with it .
10 But although by themselves they do not take us this far , they do at least point the way .
11 And what I would like us to do is to be able when we leave here tomorrow , to say that by what we 've learned about one another , and by what we 've actually decided , that we can probably improve what we 're doing by something between five and ten percent .
12 I could have got annoyed that I had n't been left on my own , but I had to admit that by myself I had only succeeded in getting sucked into my own sub-persona .
13 The Billy Graham organisation used to estimate that only ten per cent of their crowds came as a direct result of advertising and , generally speaking , I find that by itself it is the least cost-effective way of marketing events ; the most effective being personal invitation .
14 In choosing between the goals towards which I spontaneously tend , I may find myself being excited more strongly by what I perceive here and now than by what I imagine from other viewpoints , so that for example a present amusement obliterates consciousness of a future danger .
15 I 'm more moved by literature than by what it describes !
16 Usually a priest matters more by what he is than by what he says .
17 He was less bothered by the thought of arms sales , however , than by what he saw as the fundamental unreality of the proposal .
18 Don Regan , the blustering ex-Wall Street chief of staff , had attended the crucial meetings of the previous August and September ; but he had apparently spent the September meeting more bothered by McFarlane 's pronunciation of ‘ bona fides ’ as ‘ bonerfydies ’ than by anything he picked up about weapons shipments .
19 It is in culture , after all , and in mass culture particularly , that the meanings which structure our lives and by which we understand ourselves are constructed and reconstructed .
20 That is the commitment that we have given and by which we stand .
21 All have accepted the social norm , which they would use to condemn others and by which they would not wish to be condemned .
22 This tendency to treat the local population as an adjunct to the scenery is a problem to which even the rural aficionados among the newcomers can fall prey and by which they can unwittingly cause offence .
23 As it did develop , it gradually changed the terms by which the ulema judged themselves and by which they were judged by others .
24 He joined her in the kitchen , and she saw that the descriptions which had reached her through the field telegraph and by which she had recognised him , were accurate .
25 It is to the cavity magnetron that Harry Boot made his greatest contribution and by which he will be long remembered .
26 Iago 's practice of inversion , by which he destroys Cassio while making him and others believe him to be Cassio 's friend , and by which he turns Desdemona 's purity into a black , viscous liquid that will catch his victims like birds in quicklime , has been fully established by Shakespeare and shown to be successful .
27 A statute is , after all , the formal and complete intimation to the citizen of a particular rule of the law which he is enjoined , sometimes under penalty , to obey and by which he is both expected and entitled to regulate his conduct .
28 Neither writer gave McQueen the credit of his own history ; neither enquired into , or assessed , the status he might have had before the ‘ 45 Rebellion , in which he had participated , and by which he had most likely been reduced to keeping this crude but hospitable inn .
29 The passage continued narrow , clearly cut and low-roofed , a safe and secret way out of the castle by which the garrison could retreat towards Shrewsbury , if too hard pressed , and by which it could receive stores and reinforcements in time of siege , or emerge to raid and counterattack by night .
30 Everything that torments me , everything I do n't have and that I long for , that makes me indignant , or sick , or suffocates me , everything that gives me a feeling of light and warmth , and by which I live , and everything that destroys me — it 's all there in your film , I see it as if in a mirror .
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