Example sentences of "[conj] he [vb past] they " in BNC.

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1 Then he seized the bag of cookies , and on his way back indoors , threw them where he considered they belonged , in the trash can with the rest of the garbage .
2 So , whether or not they were armed , or he believed they were armed , he was right to kill them . ’
3 So did Jim , although he said they 'd never get a word in if he came .
4 It could n't be the same Rover , because they 'd have recognised the car , although he hoped they had n't stopped long enough to get the number .
5 " I remember that year Jimmy telling us that we had black players in South Africa , that they were reasonably good and that he thought they should have the chance to become members , " Bland explained .
6 we used to go every year be go round to erm for a bonfire but the old boy was saying that he said they ca n't afford it next year .
7 On July 3 Brooke refused to describe the talks as having broken down , saying that he hoped they could be revived in the autumn .
8 He went on to say that he felt they were both being rather silly and he wanted to make amends .
9 Eisenhower commented in June that the British were so incensed by this question that he felt they would prefer to lose the oil , even to the USSR , rather than admit defeat .
10 Alan 's parents were perfectly civilized about the marriage , and Alan took considerable satisfaction in the fact that he knew they were rather shocked .
11 She found she hardly cared and when Mr Browning , with some evidence of concern for her , said that he feared they must take Ferdinando to Rome almost as soon as they all returned to Florence in October , she simply nodded .
12 Walter Smith told his players before they left the dressing room at Celtic Park that he appreciated they had given him all they could since the start of that run in August .
13 However , he realised the band were moving in a harder direction so he suggested they re-recorded ‘ Brassneck ’ with Big Black 's Steve Albini as producer .
14 And he knew they were watching him .
15 She was a fine person and he knew they related to each other , shared the same sense of humour .
16 This time no expression came over their faces and he knew they did not have much time to live .
17 They asked him if there was any truth in the allegations , and he felt they were desperate for evidence .
18 Secretary of State Sir Patrick Mayhew said the RUC still had his full support and he believed they pursued all killers with equal determination .
19 Some years ago , when my husband and he discovered they were flying on the same Concorde , they exchanged autographed dinner menus .
20 And he thought they were going to buy him a parrot .
21 Oh and he thought they were good did he ?
22 I asked the Czech manager if they would be at Rutland Water in June and he said they would not be able to afford it .
23 I had a talk with John Heminges , and he said they need a new man to help with all the clothes and the other things . ’
24 ‘ Darling , ’ Arabella had said , ‘ You know that PR firm I did some work for ? I was talking with their boss the other day , and he said they were looking for new blood … ’
25 There was a man who spoke a bit of English and he said they were going to send for a doctor , but I told them you suffered from fits and you 'd be all right . ’
26 And he said they have to systematically sell something to keep the place up .
27 well in , in erm in erm Plymouth they 've got , they 've got this band called Erotica , they 've got another one called Boobs and all these different and he said they live up to their er names like .
28 They both , I rang Dave back on the Sunday and he said they both wan na do it so took it !
29 And he felt them and he said they are a bit he said .
30 They bought out , this company have bought out a new tile and he said they 're looking for a sort of nice house to have as a sort of a show house and then he thinks he 'll get them for nothing .
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