Example sentences of "[conj] he [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It has been suggested that he also used birds as his trademark and a carving at Trull in Somerset shows a large ‘ W ’ supported by two birds thought to be woodpecker ; a medieval pun ?
2 It was by writing history in Greek that Fabius Pictor revolutionized history in Rome ; we need not be surprised that he also used Greek sources when they were available , such as Diocles of Peparethus on Romulus ( Plut .
3 ‘ You are beautiful , ’ he greeted her with a beaming smile , and raised her flattened spirits , even if she did suppose that he most likely greeted every date that way .
4 He gave her a cynical look , as much as to say that he only half believed her .
5 The purpose was to show that he too used spoken language and that it and Tarvarian were mutually incomprehensible .
6 We 're Vice Presidents of Somerset Cricket Club , and the one thing that John is most proud of is that he once slow-bowled Dennis Compton during a match against the MCC . ’
7 ‘ The other thing is that he so much is part of the scene .
8 And he pretty sure it 's not the disc .
9 This guy was great though we met in Ireland cos he was erm he used to own about three or four supermarkets , er small chains and he just one day , he 's about he 's about fifty eight , sixty now and one day he said about five years ago he just got fed up and just walked out .
10 The former England midfielder capitalised on a blunder by City defender Keith Curle , who could only nod Steve Hodge 's cross out to him — and he promptly half-volleyed a magnificent swerving shot into the back of the City net .
11 At the conclusion of which we were both of the view that an armed police operation was necessary and he therefore authorised armed police officers to be used and I was to command the incident .
12 And he only fourteen years old , then , and already a wonder on the fiddle , but he could n't get the feel of her eyelids off his hands .
13 On 10 January 1957 , at 6.15 in the morning when it was still dark , they were married at St Barnabas 's Church in Addison Road , Kensington : she was thirty , and he now sixty-eight .
14 The new Lady Woodleigh looked as if she might take her riding-crop to him if he so much as uttered another word .
15 But he had little reason yet to ask for a search warrant and Mr Simpson would go purple in the face and throw every legal book in his considerable library at him if he so much as tried .
16 In the end Harper had sworn a sacred oath on the Holy Mother and on all the bleeding wounds of Christ that he would not go into battle , that he would remember he was a husband and a father , and that if he so much as heard a musket shot he would turn tail and run away .
17 If he so much as bruises a finger without good reason , I 'll come for you .
18 Two arkie surveys have produced almost nothing , and yet Mr Coombs — an elderly man — has been threatened with jail if he so much as uproots a tree in his own garden .
19 Not so tall and powerfully built that she felt as though she might break if he so much as touched her .
20 He says what he thinks , even if he only half thinks it .
21 Willink thought that perhaps he should not go ; but he also discontented Ramsey by treating it as a problem in how Ramsey should get the best career in a worldly sense .
22 But he consummately ad-libbed his way through a largely secret press meeting , attended by Lennart Jeansson , now one month into his new job as president of Volvo Car Corporation .
23 The rest 's history , but he now more than ever wanted to win the British Open .
24 Mark Edwards for Bicester should have scored after good work by John Thorne and Barry Cooper , but he only half hit his shot and keeper Whittington saved .
25 But he always beautiful .
26 Perhaps he had fallen in love with someone , who knows who it might be , but he never married .
27 But he as sure as hell goes somewhere . ’
28 She read her answer before he so much as opened his mouth .
29 The snubs and indignities that he received from that quarter have passed into Gaullist lore : when he so much as enquired about the progress of the assembly 's constitutional commission , one of his own former ministers told him it was none of his business .
30 She shivered , suddenly feeling ridiculously shy and uncertain for a moment as he swiftly unknotted his tie and quickly removed his shirt with tense movements .
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