Example sentences of "[conj] he [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 and even in the middle of the night on the odd occasion that he sort of disturbed a bit , I just used to shout to him
2 When I said that he sort of like turned away you know and he walked off .
3 unc It is readily checked , in view of ( 3 ) et seq. , that he product of the first two terms in ( 5 ) is R2 , of the first three is R3 , and so on .
4 ‘ He did n't like none of it , so he sort of copped out , gave up eating one fine day , till he could n't stand up no more , could n't do what he was told on the airfield .
5 But definitely so he sort of went on his own and then went back into building and decorating and then when the Empire opened he started there from the off .
6 and er , I told him all about it , and I said I do n't know what happened to I spoke to somebody last Monday and he was coming down immediately for it , so he sort of said , well I 'll come down for it , there 's a different one , he got , and he came down for it and he took it , so er , .
7 Da I mean once he sort of re I mean that 's why all the fuss with Jean stopped because that
8 And he thought about that , and he kind of smiled and said , ‘ Yes , you 're right . ’
9 I guess he heard Barbara and me discussing the good time we had with you , and he kind of picked up on it , and he wondered why he could n't come down to the Bahamas and isolate himself from drugs .
10 And my character feels differently , and he kind of goes on his own path — but it ends up a distinctive path because he 's got ta live one way with his family and then he has this other life going on .
11 Then someone else was telling a joke and he sort of — well , humiliated him , if you know what I mean .
12 And he sort of went , ‘ da-da ! ’
13 And he sort of puts his hand near it , oh it 's a bit warm , oh I 'd say about a couple of amps .
14 And he sort of came through and landed in the bath . ’
15 So what he does now he always comes in over the top , so every time you see John shake hands with anybody he 'll always do that and come in over the top actually I 'm in charge and he sort of er sort of stamps his authority on the individual .
16 Well , I think it , he had a bit of a stroke and he sort of looked , you know
17 And they , sort of a young sort of landlord , you know , and he sort of was into his real ales and he got guest beers in and all this sort of thing which got a better .
18 we finished the story and we got onto the rhymes I presume and a little body sidled in through the win through the door and he sort of sat there looking pathetic you know , I said would you like to come and sit on my knee ?
19 The first time an older person rings and he sort of , have more patience with him or something .
20 James right like Mr right he did n't know right and we have this sort of erm water fountain and he was running towards it and he , and he filled up his mouth with it and he was spitting it everywhere and we were all sort of getting out the way and Mr told him if you do n't want to drink it then leave it alone and he sort of turned and walked away .
21 I stood there with a mop at the side , and he sort of looked at me and all the water the came in !
22 And he 'd say just take a look through he said just any one you want he said and I 'll programme it that 'll come straight through and he sort of s six speakers fucking ridiculous .
23 I mean I do it sort of a bit naturally , I mean if you , you know that what , the Delvine Hotel , I mean I sort of went in and I du n no sort of part way in I sort of said can I ask you if , you know , you 've had your other quotes and he sort of said yes we 're gon na sit down tonight and make our minds up
24 When , when we went there was this er , more gates and his little his house , right , went through the little door , or big door , and he went through to the gate and he , and he sort of goes
25 I said oh , about forty seconds and he sort of looked .
26 He has us in fits and the funny thing was we were sat listening to him the other night , all having us dinner , we 're sat at table and it was ever so quiet listening to him and he sort of erm he mimics the other bird
27 But , she was telling the story of a man who was travelling over the moor and it was many years ago on horseback and er he was completely lost and wan , it was getting dark and he wanted to stay somewhere for the night and he sort of travelled and could n't see anywhere and eventually down a long drive he saw a house wi , blazing with lights so he went down this house and er , all the windows were alight , you know were lit up and he knocked at the door and knocked at the door , and knocked at the door and could n't get any answer , no one ever came to the door so in desperation he thought well this is no good !
28 and he said crikey look at this , what am I gon na do here and he sort of had to fill quite a big gap in , but he sort of pushed it and filled it and then the wallpaper goes up so you can just see it , a little bit , what 's a name now , just in the hall there 's a bit
29 He , he it was cos we had examination er , in the afternoon and he sort of
30 They , they said well we can redo it for you , they said we can give you a reduction in it , and he sort of bartered with them , and I think he got , you know , a good couple of hundred pound off just for this little chip in the unit .
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