Example sentences of "[conj] at [num ord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Renaissance State consisted , at bottom , of an ever-expanding bureaucracy which , although at first a working bureaucracy , had by the end of the sixteenth century become a parasitic bureaucracy ; and this ever expanding bureaucracy was sustained on an equally expanding margin of ‘ waste ’ : ‘ waste ’ which lay between the taxes imposed on the subjects and the revenue collected by the Crown .
2 But although at first the converse might appear to be true , I believe it 's actually more difficult ( and therefore expensive ) to assemble a worthwhile bass that functions with pleasing efficiency — particularly in this cost-conscious area .
3 She was used to driving the luxurious Saab by this time , although at first the responsibility had unnerved her considerably .
4 Nana 's voice , distorted with tension , sounded so unnatural that at first no one recognised it .
5 So under the surface of the thick glass lay a mass of long gold threads , filling in the whole cavity of the box with their turns and tumbles , so that at first the little tailor thought he had come upon a box full of spun gold , to make cloth of gold .
6 The problem is that at first the words are coming so fast it is difficult to write them down , so you really need a helper .
7 It was alleged that at first the railway company denied that they had been travelling on the train at all , and it was indeed suggested that the two children were chance victims of the holocaust and they happened to be wandering by the railway at the time .
8 He says that at first the male bird inspected the hole , then the pair started excavating .
9 In fact , Hoskins says that at first the film role did n't appeal to him .
10 It says that at first the princess was ‘ almost jolly ’ the truth was out .
11 ‘ While the visible signs of recession remain , there must be cause for hope that at last a framework for recovery is falling into place with the worst of the recession behind us , ’ he said .
12 In 1758 an expedition following a more northerly route than the one taken by Braddock was able to capture Fort Duquesne , which was renamed Pittsburgh by grateful Pennsylvanians who felt that at last a British politician had emerged who understood American needs .
13 Half a mile up the hill , spirits were also high in the home of Eddie Duckworth , that plump , much-loved , avuncular manager of Pitts and Harley , newly elected President of the Chamber of Commerce , who had faith that at last a government had been elected that would put a stop to inflation , high interest rates , rocketing domestic and industrial rates , shameful capitulation to the unions , centralized bureaucratic planning , and the consequent decay of the manufacturing industries : the writing is on the wall at the Town Hall , he told his guests , as their glasses were refilled with Oake and Nephews ' Beaujolais .
14 I felt then that at last the ambitions I 'd had for so long were possible , and that I could stop worrying about the gypsy who 'd looked at me closely a couple of years earlier , and said : ‘ You 'll never come to anything , you wo n't . ’
15 He had all three and felt that at last the play was under way : this was why he had struck north ; this was why he had learned his part ( and God bless Major General Lake of Dumfries and God keep him there ) ; this was his great opportunity and ‘ O Lord , ’ he prayed to himself , ‘ if it is true that You have love even for the worst of Your sinners and let Your Son welcome into Paradise the thief on the cross who by a single act redeemed a life of evil , then remember me at Hause Point , remember how I tried to obey Your will and how I saved that innocent young girl and help me here because I swear , if I succeed in my intention here , I will lead a life of charity and Christian duty to the end .
16 Rabbi Moishe felt that at last the past was about to bear sweet fruit .
17 In November church bells were rung to celebrate the victory at El Alamein , and everyone felt that at last the war might be near the end , although Churchill told them they were wrong .
18 She walked back to her villa , feeling relief that at last the patient was in reliable hands , and great sadness because she had panicked .
19 Stephen and Bloom are brought together in the final stages of Ulysses so that at last the space of desperation can be closed , the vertical pull of Stephen 's iron ambition , set against the downward sucking force of Blooms ordinariness .
20 They were in their early thirties , so 1 did not feel too out of place from the point of view of age , and at first no one took any notice of me , as if they thought I was just another mature student .
21 And so to war , and at first a very strange war , On either side it appeared that no one wanted to start the bombing war which in our way had been our long time plan — in fact the Trenchard theory that fighters are for defence , bombers for offence .
22 The previous Government , however , had already pointed to the need to revitalize urban economies , and at first the shift was more rhetorical than real .
23 I could n't carry her , but she dragged easily enough , and at first the shingle was hard enough to walk on .
24 Now I trod softly , and at first the man did n't hear me .
25 He struck a fine short iron over the bunker and right into the heart of the green at the 12th , and at last a putt found its mark from perhaps eight feet .
26 The complex factors involved have finally been established , and at last a truly effective anti skin ageing treatment has been created — Tuenda by RVB .
27 As she filled in the forms for him , the girl in Despatch , big and black and at last a friendly face , told him she was from Mississippi , and sure as hell she hated Greeks , Athens , moussaka and retsina .
28 She watched through a crack and at last a nurse came out of the tiny office and went to the lift .
29 Now thanks to Housing Association , I 've got my own totally modern two bedroom home , and at last a big helping hand onto the property ladder .
30 Chapman said later that Cleese , his writing partner at Cambridge and afterwards on the Frost , Marty Feldman and At Last the 1948 shows , ‘ was still in a state of shock ’ .
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