Example sentences of "[conj] at [det] the " in BNC.

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1 Not surprisingly , there were major problems at the line-out throughout the match with Eales and McCall winning the lion 's share at the front and in the middle and at all the short lineouts .
2 ‘ I would always tell people not to be too sensitive to the special offer mortgage rate but to look at the long-term history of how the lender treats borrowers and at all the extra fees attached , ’ says Ms Blackman .
3 There was some consultation with Japanese leaders during the drafting of the constitution , but this was largely concerned with how to redefine the role of the Emperor and at most the consultation was with reluctant partners .
4 Parents often did not attend , and at most the couple might take a day off to celebrate .
5 So I was n't lazy , I was busy at everything all the time , but at all the wrong things .
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