Example sentences of "[conj] he could [adv] " in BNC.

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1 His talks were confined to broadcasts , where he could not be seen .
2 William 's grandad had a lot of friends , unless they were there only to make sure he was safely laid to rest , where he could n't get up to much more mischief .
3 When Daniel saw his wife coming towards the cubicle to offer comfort where he could n't he flailed his arms and drove her away , leaving Mrs Marriott to cry on , not even telling himself it was good for her to cry , since how could he know , how could he imagine ?
4 I thought it must be sex , if I turned my back I did it where he could n't spring at me , and I listened .
5 If it was Memet , she would prefer to greet him out here in the dusk , in darkness just burnished with the overspill glow from the street lamps , where he could n't see her face .
6 But he had reached a pitch where he could n't give up .
7 He had n't counted on the opposition of Hugh de Tracy 's priestly brother , who should have been safely at home in his monastery , where he could n't cause any trouble .
8 Where he could n't hurt her .
9 There were two large exercise courts in the house , where he could either practise alone or with others , depending on his schedule for forthcoming performances .
10 In April this year , he was grabbed by Banda 's goons , thrown into a cell without a window , where he could barely stand up , and ( much later ) charged with sedition .
11 Some younger son from among Leicester 's tenants , placed by a dutiful father where he could readily get advancement .
12 Secondly it had demonstrated that the clergy were well nigh powerless against royal tax demands : if they would not make a grant , the king could outlaw them and raise the money by fines , or he could simply seize their temporalities .
13 He could fly around , measuring the pheromonal concentrations , and then orient in the direction where the concentration increased ; or he could simply turn upwind .
14 Either there were not enough fish for him in the Black Sea , or he could n't catch them .
15 He tried re-dialling two or three times , but either it was a long conversation or he could n't time it right to slip in between calls .
16 You could n't get a regular job , or he could n't anyway .
17 So you see I could n't fight with them too much cos I thought they 'd take it out on dad , so I said look I do n't want him here , I do n't need all this but I said another thing that got my goat , you asked my mum to help turn my dad , they asked my mum if she could help turn him because they did n't have enough staff or he could n't be turned and when my mum turned him she come out and was sick and cried her eyes out cos he had no skin from the top of his spine to the bottom , and he had a water blister like that Joy yellow on his arm , his penis was nearly the width of my arm pouring with blood , and septic from the catheter , oh and the smell , you 've never smelled nothing like it from the sores and the wounds , cos he was cut from here right the way down to here and they had a , all his legs were festering and gangrene in his legs
18 Or he could just have wished to have an excuse for placing men near the chateau to keep us under closer observation .
19 Or he could even be faced with the prospect of calling about individual applications or even heaven forbid , the structure plan itself .
20 He contemplated becoming a teacher and giving up acting , except he could not shake off the desire .
21 Except he could n't .
22 The teacher used to come in and take him and he got fed up of it 'cause he could n't get on with his other work .
23 He learned to play golf one-handed , although he could also use a two-handed grip sometimes if he controlled the left hand carefully with the right .
24 He was a nice person and I think he was genuinely interested in how David was getting on , although he could n't get him any bookings .
25 Even before he was fully awake he felt the oppression of unpleasant memory , the threat of worse to come , although he could n't remember exactly what it was that he remembered .
26 HE has already won novice chases at Cheltenham and Bangor and we hope he will win a few more , although he could n't cope with Barton Bank at Worcester recently .
27 He intended to enjoy the next interview , although he could n't understand why Meik had come to him instead of to Lord Chomsmy .
28 Although he could n't understand it .
29 Guard dogs hurled themselves against the wire and then chased the car the length of the property , barking frantically , while Cinzia told Zen how she had persuaded Gianluigi to buy a place in the country although he could n't see the point , but to her nature was not a luxury but something fundamental , a source of sanity and order , did he understand what she meant ?
30 He was , perhaps , slightly thinner than she remembered , and , although he could n't be more than thirty-five , there were now some faint silver threads among the dark hair at his temples .
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