Example sentences of "[conj] he will [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Ottokar Proctor , head of the presidential think-tank , and widely believed to be the architect of the Big Bonus , was unavailable for comment , although he is scheduled to make an appearance at a film festival in Tampa , Florida , where he will give a lecture on the Sisyphean influence of Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner on contemporary American culture .
2 Mr Shevardnadze will be travelling from Managua to Havana tomorrow , where he will meet the Cuban President , Fidel Castro .
3 The Spaniard , a 7-2 favourite , has a bye into the second round , where he will meet either America 's Chip Beck or Japan 's Aki Omachi , one of seven newcomers .
4 May I take the opportunity to thank my right hon. Friend for accepting my invitation to address Wolverhampton chamber of commerce at its annual dinner , where he will meet many members of the west midlands region of the CBI ?
5 Before embarking on silage , a smallholder would do well to master the principles and work out clearly in his mind how he is going to cut , gather , and cart the crop , where he will locate his tower or clamp , and how the silage will be fed .
6 Down to Berwick town , where he will serve meantime as governor . ’
7 The operation was cancelled because of a shortage of beds in intensive care where he will recover from his surgery .
8 Mrs Wood knows that he will wake up about 7am and then get up and go downstairs where he will pull out drawers , knock over ornaments , scatter the contents of her food cupboards and climb on the table .
9 But even they are unclear where he will lead them next .
10 The return to his old club of Andy Gowman , from Harborne , will greatly strengthen Cardiff 's challenge , where he will team up again with Tim Percival to form a powerful combination .
11 With Lough in the ‘ 1,500 ’ , Davy Wilson switches to the 5,000 metres where he will team up with Jim Campbell for what should be another case of Annadale domination .
12 I am sure that the Prime Minister will have enjoyed reading the Western Mail last Saturday , where he will have seen the results of a telephone survey showing that the people of Wales now support the setting up of a Welsh Parliament by a margin of four to one .
13 Doug Laughton , with injuries to Emosi Koloto and Mike O'Neill , toyed with the idea of moving Tony Myler into the pack and playing Davies at stand-off , but decided to keep the Welshman at centre , where he will come into direct confrontation with Meninga .
14 Middlesbrough prop Phil Wright was yesterday called on to the Yorkshire bench , where he will join his former clubmate Jim Chapman .
15 Apple Computer Inc has lost Roger Heinen , head manager of the Macintosh Software Architecture Division , responsible for Macintosh System 7 , to Microsoft Corp , where he will become VP Database and Development Tools .
16 ‘ The aggrieved consumer needs an accessible local service to which he can take his troubles and where he will receive a realistic appraisal , a measure of help in presenting his case , or a pointer to the next step .
17 Might I suggest that before he ponders further , Mr Jencks has a listen to the Peter Townshend song Wo n't Get Fooled Again , where he will find the line , ‘ Meet the new boss , same as the old boss ’ .
18 Before he makes wild aspersions about other people , he should visit the school in his constituency , where he will find excellent education going on .
19 When my right hon. Friend is making arrangements for his business in the second week in April , will he please include a visit to Edgware general hospital , where he will find patients , members of staff and doctors highly satisfied with the changes that have taken place in the national health service ?
20 He joins Stoy Hayward this month as an equity partner in the forensic accounting and litigation support department , where he will specialise in professional negligence work .
21 Thus for a man whose physical growth stops early in life , it is necessary to continue to grow mentally , or he will start declining .
22 In your partner : let him know how much he is loved and needed and do n't talk about the baby too much or he will feel shut out .
23 ‘ when you were not the holder ’ In most cases the suspected driver will either say he has no licence or he will elect to produce a licence and fail to do so .
24 In tennis he will ask his students to call out their estimate of the height of the ball above the net as it crosses from side to side , or he will ask them to shout ‘ Bounce ’ each time the ball bounces and ‘ Hit ’ each time it is hit , giving Self 2 a chance to show what a fluent player he really is .
25 The agent will send it around to publishing houses where she or he will have contacts , so your work will be seen more quickly and with a more benevolent eye .
26 then see that , or he will have
27 Either th the quality of service will go down , or he will have all the hassle of er not knowing , not knowing what his design
28 However , the vendor will wish to delay consultation until as near to completion as possible or he will risk affecting the morale of his workforce if completion does not take place .
29 Martin Luther , whose own convictions had been tempered and proved like the finest steel , knew well that in the hour of trial each man must have his own convictions , or he will find himself with none .
30 the hon. Member for Hemsworth ought to be more careful in his support for Boycott , or he will fall out with many of his own right hon. and hon. Friends .
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