Example sentences of "[conj] you thought [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You 'd ring her if you could n't find your socks where you thought they should be . ’
2 ‘ Mrs Grogan , ’ he said , ‘ you said before that you thought we were anxious to see you … ’
3 He always stayed calm , but he had a knack of turning things around so that you thought you were getting your own way when in fact you 'd just agreed with him .
4 If you 've ever tried to explain something to somebody , that 's a very reliable way of revealing to yourself that you did n't understanding something that you thought you did understand .
5 You really lost your cool , you 've got to admit it ; and it was obvious that you thought I was completely off my trolley , so you see … ’
6 ‘ Are you seriously telling me that you thought I proposed to you this morning ?
7 ‘ The issue for you was that you thought I was after his money .
8 ‘ When you said something about the real tragedy for anyone facing a handicap is when expected support is withdrawn , then yesterday at your flat I realised that you thought I 'd walked out on Jennifer when I discovered she had MS .
9 And three : that you thought I was an ambitious sharpie trying to steal your father 's company . ’
10 - You find postal charges mysteriously a penny higher than you thought they were , so you buy a sheet of 1p stamps to upgrade all the old ones you have left , and then you find you have n't got any old ones left , only this big sheet of 1p stamps .
11 With a big orchestra after a certain time , if they are used to you and really play as they can , they will sometimes give you something more beautiful than you thought you could hear .
12 You 've done more than you thought you 'd ever get away with and so in a sense it 's all gain from here , in fact it 's been all gain for some time and so you ca n't complain and you do n't intend to if fate deserts you now .
13 You will probably find that this comes naturally and that you are happier and more confident than you thought you would be .
14 Did I have more than you thought I would ?
15 Pissing crap Sportsnight did nt have England highlights , so you thought they would give some coverage to the other ‘ UK ’ sides … nah .
16 So you thought I 'd be content to be your girlfriend , your mistress ? ’ she enquired , her face blank .
17 So you thought I would sell to another vet and that might make things worse for you on the principle that the devil you know is better than the devil you do n't know . ’
18 it was forty five degrees so you thought it was one , but the scale was two to one .
19 And you thought they were just American Slowdive …
20 If some i Well well you could I mean if you went out with someone and you thought they were pretty naff talking to the employer again six months later and say , Oh they 're a lot better .
21 ‘ Oh , and you thought they meant on the mouth ? ’
22 And you thought they 're coming round with bloody kiddy 's toy cups .
23 And you thought we had spent the night together ? ’
24 There you are you see , and you thought we were joking .
25 I 'd hate it if Pickles changes her mind and you thought I 'd prejudiced her against you . ’
26 And you thought I would enjoy the journey . ’
27 ‘ Until Sir Thomas died and you thought I might have a motive for murder ? ’ she finished sweetly .
28 And you thought I 'd be nice and accessible in gaol ? ’
29 And you thought I had broken her heart ? ’ he said softly .
30 So if you think back now at times when you 've done a training session and you thought I ca n't understand why that did n't work , you know I worked really hard this may actually reveal something to you you did work really hard at it and you put it together just the way that you would like to receive it , but it 's not it just the way the delegates would actually have liked to have seen it done .
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