Example sentences of "[conj] you have the " in BNC.

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1 If you are a person who is classified as being ‘ at risk ’ , that is elderly , frail or disabled in some way , then you should seriously consider either living in a sheltered housing complex where you have the safety net of alarms in every room rigged to a 24-hour warden service , or subscribing to a medical alert system .
2 It 's not so much a style difference as how comfortable you feel , and where you have the handholds .
3 The main distinction I think you will find when you tour round Greater York is is that the distinction is between areas of intensive agriculture where of course you have the w which is to the west and to the south of the city , where you in fact have the highest quality of agricultural land , and the areas to the north where you have the lower quality agricultural land and therefore you have greater retention of cover .
4 This is always a very popular event , one where you have the opportunity to meet up with old friends and we hope make new ones ; so please obtain your tickets early to avoid disappointment .
5 But , or you have the tendency
6 ‘ You , Fernando Serra , are either lying through your teeth , putting on a brave face or you have the same loose sort of arrangement with your mistress as you accused me of having with Steve . ’
7 he may be eligible to be on a training course , for what we do n't know , but er after you 've been unemployed six months you are either required to or you have the opportunity to , or you can go on a state training course but what they train you for or to do we , we have n't actually got defined yet .
8 It 's for your protection , so that you have the union behind you if Mellowes kicks up a stink .
9 But you can take it as read that you have the contract . ’
10 Through our experience and knowledge derived from sales in the area we are able to ensure that you have the greatest chance of selling at the highest figure .
11 Check that you have the right information and equipment .
12 Enterprise representatives are friendly , reliable , and highly skilled , and are in resort to ensure that you have the best possible holiday .
13 Now that you have the contract you will have seen of course that the commercial exploitation of the data on the tape will be subject to further negotiation between presumably Cristian de Wilde and myself .
14 The beauty of that trail is that you have the thrill of walking beneath the railway viaduct and carrying on up alongside the Allt Chonoghlais into Coire a' Ghabhalach , the mirror eastern corrie of the one gained by the Bridge of Orchy route .
15 You may believe , for example , that you have the right to speak your mind and from this will follow certain ways of behaving that will differ markedly from someone who believes they have the right to remain silent .
16 In addition to academic qualifications they will expect you to demonstrate that you have the intelligence to understand the demands of their businesses , the fluency to communicate ideas to others and the flexibility to develop other people 's ideas .
17 You may like to add the name of one or two referees to your c.v. , either to vouch for your general honesty and reliability or to confirm that you have the skills and experience you claim in the c.v .
18 Make sure that you have the correct address for the interview , which may not always be the same as the company 's main address .
19 Make sure that you have the strip white side or you will finish up with no correction and a white covered ball point pen .
20 This done , you are almost ready to take your first shots on video , but before you do , check first that you have the correct white balance setting for the lighting conditions so that the recording will be made with the true colour values .
21 Video recordings can be copied quite easily provided that you have the use of two machines , one of which can be your camcorder while the other would be a video recorder .
22 That you have the full and correct name and address of your debtor ( or debtors if there is more than one ) .
23 Even if it was a leisure activity and bears no relevance to the particular job you are applying for , it will at least show that you have the ability to concentrate and study .
24 The letter should explain that you have the right qualifications , and say that you are willing to learn those you do n't have : you may be a competent typist , for example , but need a few hours to learn how to use a word processor .
25 Once you begin working with pressed flowers , you may find that you have the same problem that I still face every time I start a new design — I always want to use as much of my pressed material as possible , if not the whole lot !
26 Questions like this may be asked by people who assume that you have the same sort of lifestyle as they do , or who are clumsily trying to find out whether you do .
27 Making a will now means that you have the comfort of knowing that your wishes are recorded .
28 Wittgenstein says ( 332 ) : ‘ Do not believe that you have the concept of colour within you because you look at a coloured object — however you look ’ and ( 659 ) ‘ But when I say ‘ It tastes exactly like sugar ’ , in an important sense no remembering takes place .
29 Then safe in the knowledge that you have the finance arranged you can start visiting car showrooms knowing exactly how much you have to spend .
30 This means that you have the peace of mind of knowing that whatever happens to general interest rates , your return will remain the same .
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