Example sentences of "[conj] you [vb mod] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Or a hidden rose-scented bower where you can while away an hour or two in peace and seclusion .
2 I use that qualifying phrase ‘ on the whole ’ because there are some foods which allow you to get away with it , some meals in restaurants where you can and indeed have to get away with it , and some people who can get away with it .
3 Pointing is tedious , so do n't break the pieces too small , but do n't use them too big either , or you might as well lay proper slabs .
4 so , so do I , but er at the same we said this much to Mr that you would except that many of the people who the company deal , deal with are old and concerned with a limited income on fixed pensions , you know that do n't you ?
5 I do n't know why you would want to kill them , but I 'm sure that you would if you had them in your hands .
6 Gouache can , of course , be used in thin washes to give watercolour effects , but you will not achieve the same degree of clarity that you would if you used pure watercolour .
7 The Town Moor draw 's favours are so unpredictable that you may as well stick to choosing a horse for its name alone .
8 ‘ There was a time when I slightly resented that , but I realise now that you may as well sit back and enjoy it .
9 ‘ It having been stated to Samuel Whitbread Esq. , and to me … that Mary Flint , now in the Bedford Infirmary , is in danger of death in consequence of the wounds and injuries which she received from you , we intend to take her examination at the said Infirmary on Tuesday 8th October inst. at 1 o'clock of the afternoon of which I give you this notice that you may if you think proper be present . ’
10 Packages which checked your spelling , for example , in something you 've put on and very politely suggested that you may or may not have got a word quite correctly spelt that you had intended perhaps spelt one way , it came out as another way , and there must be an awful lot of work going on in this area .
11 The Old Testament prophet Jeremiah was right when he said of an unlikely event that you might as well expect a leopard to change its spots .
12 You might then find that having gone to the trouble of preparing a good speech and a joke just in case , you decide that you might as well give the speech anyway !
13 The dividing line between the pro-cases and the contra-cases is so blurred and ill defined that you might as well toss a coin to decide it .
14 Er I think there 's a need to have a look at erm landscape character er across er Greater York on a consistent basis and er there are a number of ways that you could that you could look at this .
15 Now I just want to explain something to you that you can that you can put down in your notes in any way that you like , that you can understand best yourself .
16 So are you happy with that , that you can if someone gives you someone says Draw er a figure , er a regular polygon with twelve sides , you kn you know how to construct one ?
17 If your studies have not taken you to the point where you can answer all the questions , answer those that you can and some of them twice .
18 And it is our judgment that you can and should pay at once a portion of Mistress Hussey 's dowry , so that her maintenance may be assured , and she may return to her father 's house from this court , as is her wish .
19 In fact , you do not actually need to price at that level ; the rival just has to believe that you will if it enters the market .
20 Whereas here , you 're still very busy , but er you have the membership just on your doorstep and you can get to meet them and know them a lot closer than you would when you 're having er a large volume of people filing through your doors in the city centre .
21 While one can not assert unequivocally that determination will win , in the balance of life you can alter direction more easily on the move than you can if you are static , and if you have set the direction in this way it will almost alter itself .
22 I suppose one of the things about Neighbourhood Watch , if , if it worked properly , is that you , there 's a group of you with a common interest , and you could deal with a situation like that a bit better than you could if you were on your own .
23 Well , I am alas going to have to leave out my discussion of God in Paradise Lost , the question of whether , by presenting the obedience to God you can somehow make it more palatable to the readers ' tastes than you could if it was entirely thought of as a secular morality .
24 ‘ It does n't last all that long , so you might as well milk the business while you can .
25 You can do things to limit its effects , but ultimately you ca n't stop it so you might as well not worry about it too much .
26 ‘ She wo n't be the last , so you might as well get used to it , ’ Albert said — rather cruelly , it seemed .
27 No one would be more grateful than I if I could stop looking at every penny , but you wo n't catch Amsterdam so you might as well stop trying .
28 It 's going to happen , so you might as well tell them .
29 Because if you will have a had to get a recorder to listen to this side so you might as well put something on the other side and send it to me but of course there is no rush and in return you 'd be showing you take off anything or any part that you care to use .
30 ‘ We 're both staying here , so you might as well get used to that idea . ’
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