Example sentences of "[conj] be [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 This evidence must appear from , or be supported by , sources other than the accused .
2 The goat may bleat loudly and persistently and may go off her food ; she may jump other goats or be jumped by them .
3 Characters entering this room must make a Cl test or be affected by fear .
4 For example , although Rampton and Swann rely on public examinations , other studies have based their conclusions on a variety of other measures , including teacher assessments of reading or mathematics ; moreover , many of these tests are likely to contain cultural bias or be affected by the fact that they were administered by white teachers or researchers ( Hegarty and Lucas , 1979 ; Bagley , 1975 ) .
5 In this context an assignment may be considered " terminated " , because it can not affect or be affected by the other process , and is free to terminate at any time .
6 They may overlie or be overlain by sexual difficulty which is endemic in an age group or among people with certain forms of disability .
7 If non-sexual circumstances can provoke sexual difficulty , quite certainly sexual problems can beget or be cloaked by problems in other areas .
8 The hit-squad 's leader had kept below rather than find himself in confrontation with Louis or be seen by his men to be subservient to or afraid of the Latino leader .
9 It is true that marriage is , or may be , a detriment to the plaintiff ; but detriment to the plaintiff is not enough , unless it either be a benefit to the testator , or be treated by the testator as such , by having been suffered at his request .
10 No other specification , descriptive material , written or oral representation , correspondence or statement , promotional or sales literature shall form part of or be incorporated by reference into the Order .
11 Failing that , the case will be referred to the court by the commission , or by the Government , or be decided by a committee of ministers .
12 New black immigration has long ago been stopped , but any black man or woman who wants to bring dependants over , or be visited by relatives from home , is now afraid of what these people will have to suffer .
13 Everyone had to wait their turn or be punished by filling in a long complicated questionnaire two hundred and sixteen times .
14 ‘ Ministers should not prejudice the outcome of proposals yet to be made , or be influenced by a half-baked Monopolies and Mergers Commission report about a tiny acquisition . ’
15 We can abuse or be abused by anyone .
16 Slum dwellers would filter through into better stock , or be rehoused by local authorities in new estates .
17 In very simple models , the RRR can be seen to imply , or be implied by , the financial target , but because of the differing time periods , differing accounting conventions , the nature of existing capital stock , and so on , the relationship is unlikely to be straightforward in practice .
18 However , traditionally , it was generally believed that , as a consequence of the wording of ss. 141 and 142 , once landlords assigned their reversionary interest they could only sue or be sued by the original tenant .
19 Readers can hardly remain passive consumers , or be seduced by the covert ideologies , of a text they have literally had to piece together , page by page , for themselves .
20 He could leave the way open for a comeback or be murdered by villains .
21 Either go for the constituent , or be sponsored by G M B
22 Once installed , they can not rot or be attacked by woodworm , and will never need painting .
23 Nominations must be in writing , signed by not fewer than the required number of signatories , and incorporate ( or be accompanied by ) a signed declaration by the nominee that he or she is willing to serve .
24 The unit credit should in our view contain , or be accompanied by , such diagnostic and self-assessment materials , which can be made known to parents so that they can play a more informed and supportive part in promoting the education of their children .
25 Letters of Request must be in the language of the authority requested to execute it ( or be accompanied by a translation into that language ) ; or in English or French , unless a party has made a reservation under Article 33 excluding the use of English or French ; or in another language which a Contracting State has declared its readiness to accept .
26 ( c ) if , at the date of the offer , the offeror holds shares carrying 50 per cent or less of the voting rights attributable to the equity share capital , and the offer is for debentures or for non-equity share capital , the offer must include or be accompanied by an offer made by the offeror for the remainder of the shares comprised in the equity share capital ;
27 But England held the whip hand : it was a matter of amalgamate or be crippled by economic measures .
28 It might run into storms or , or be taken by pirates .
29 You can fit an ultra-violet steriliser , which will cause the algae cells to clump together , when they will settle out , or be removed by your filter .
30 Surely there can no longer be any argument about the fact that the RIDDOR regulations , which make compulsory the reporting of all serious onshore accidents , should be applied directly offshore or be paralleled by the introduction of equivalent offshore regulations .
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