Example sentences of "[conj] government [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 People indeed talked privately about the waste of government money , the lack of respect for public property , and it is possible that government might have regarded a discussion of that issue alone as constructive criticism : Kufrans were not sure .
2 But in taking measures to try to limit unemployment Mr Heath and his colleagues were following a well-established stream in Conservative thought that government should aim to promote the well-being of those in need and also try and heal differences between sections of society .
3 The approaches which have been here categorised as elite approaches do not suggest that a small clique were responsible for a decision taken at some unspecified point in the past that government should grow .
4 This contains no fewer than 1000 ‘ operational targets ’ concerning the ways that government should influence industry .
5 Like his fellow Republicans he believed that government should interfere as little as possible in the economy .
6 Though Reagan and Congress may disagree over the amount of money that government should spend , alarm over the present state of US science education is general .
7 Nevertheless , Cooper and Clark conclude that government could overcome these instabilities by adjusting interest rates ( to stimulate investment directly ) or by expanding government expenditure ( to raise the overall level of demand ) , if there were no other constraints upon them .
8 They do n't hate government ; but they do n't believe that government can do everything .
9 Another way that government can intervene in its environment is to employ people to do the intervening for it — manpower .
10 It does so by applying assumptions about the utility maximizing behaviour of individuals to the arena of governmental decision-making and , as a result , challenges the assumption that government will act efficiently and in the public interest .
11 Although Government could alter the proposals , the presumption was that they would not .
12 The Octobrist leadership were broadly sympathetic to Stolypin 's proposals for legal and administrative changes , and shared his hope that cooperation between Duma and government would strengthen the State 's authority , check the pretensions of minority nationalities and reduce social tension .
13 But it emerged after an emergency meeting last night that parliament and government might stave off the crisis by agreeing a compromise to leave the economic reform programme intact .
14 Surely the head of DoE Road Safety and Government should sit down and watch the advert for Autoglass to realise the danger of this .
15 It was absolutely essential that everyone in every position of authority in child-care organisations , local authorities and government should take this on board , he said .
16 His penal thinking was an application of his general philosophy that law and government should pursue ‘ the greatest happiness of the greatest number ’ , which logically led him to espouse a purely reductivist approach to punishment , with no place for retributivism of any description .
17 And government could do more to encourage new forms of volunteering , to encourage the most effective use of the money it gives , and to bring together voluntary effort at the local and national level .
18 In addition , representatives from the energy industry , financial institutions and government will participate as guest lecturers .
19 The plan is not a blueprint for the future , it stresses , merely the starting signal for a process in which dialogue and choices made by individuals , private industry and government will shape the environmental programmes : ‘ What we want to do , in the realization that we do not understand all the relationships , is to indicate the conditions under which an environmental quality can be attained that will provide future generations with as many options as possible . ’
20 If a parliament can not effectively question a government , power will slip from its grasp , and government will become autocratic , benign or otherwise .
21 Likewise both business and government must have more than good intentions in order to turn the well meaning idealism into practical support , funding and long term dialogue , and the publication of a Charities Bill , in trying to increase public confidence in the sector , is a step in the right direction .
22 ( If government would support a veterinary school in Edinburgh , why did it not do so in London , or was it simply not asked ? ) .
23 Social mobility and elite circulation might increase , and the ruling group might become more heterogeneous , but government must remain oligarchic .
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