Example sentences of "[conj] going to the " in BNC.

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1 People are switching off , or going to the video shop , in droves .
2 This at least gives him the freedom to go out for air and to do errands such as visiting local shops or going to the hairdresser .
3 Although the family in the orthodox reader can not exist at all — there is no family so griefless , angerless , humourless , or so utterly devoid of conflict as the family in the orthodox reader — it is recognisable in externals … the detached house … father at leisure with the lawnmower ( or going to the office with the brief case ) , the large dog and the aristocratic cat , the tidy organised family consisting only of one father , one mother , one son , one daughter .
4 Ships — two- and three-masters — would frequently glide by as if on skates , coming from or going to the river 's mouth .
5 These include the best man losing the ring , or going to the wrong church , and the groom finding the wrong woman when he lifts the veil .
6 2 After 2 days ' absence , supervisor should again try to make contact by telephoning or going to the person 's house .
7 I think it 's three miles from the er Naburn works or going to the east York main link sewer .
8 France boasts a rich and varied tradition of film-making where going to the cinema is an accepted part of people 's cultural and intellectual lives .
9 Having your hair cut in a professional salon can be even more traumatic than going to the dentist .
10 For Claire King , the European promotions manager for EMI , going to the hairdresser is worse than going to the dentist .
11 Cheaper than going to the specialist , and you may still benefit from some after-sales service .
12 Because we use the output from our page printer as camera ready copy rather than going to the expense of typesetting we are unable to use scanners to integrate pictures into the text as we make the pages up .
13 It was easier going to the house — he and Richard 's wife Pat used to swap wartime evacuation stories with each other and then they would play verbal tennis , making conversation out of the spoken lyrics of Forties ' songs — than going to the theatre to see other actors , as they sometimes did together after the run of Public Eye .
14 than going to the court , erm for
15 It 's no dearer than going to the Ritz , it 's just the journey
16 So we 're l , we 're l , we 're looking at a couple of the options to see , you know , how much will it cost to actually put the money on the policy rather than going to the effort of writing it out , and it 's gon na cost about two hundred thousand pounds just to do that , erm and that , we need , we need to weigh that up with the cost of actually dealing with ten thousand letters to clients , ten thousand enquiries erm I just wondered what your thoughts were on how we should proceed .
17 It is just that going to the cinema has become inexorably linked with the purchase and consumption of such foods .
18 Once it realizes that going to the vet is not always an unpleasant experience , then its fear of this situation should be significantly reduced , and subsequently it should be easier for the dog to be examined without difficulty .
19 ‘ I do n't see that going to the pictures is any worse than getting drunk .
20 Religious hope flickers , as at Magnus Martyr , but the city crowds out the city churches , and going to the apparent sources of the religious life which seemed to hold promise in Lower Thames Street , Eliot found himself unable to sustain hope .
21 Lee was pulling bits of twig through the camouflage net and going to the entrance all the time to look at Caspar .
22 He remembered about twenty-five young children coming and going to the house in Reading .
23 Anyone expecting a baby around the end of April and going to the Sorrento who would like to share the hire of a specialised birthing tank to use in labour ?
24 She is responsible for helping the patient and carers in daily tasks such as washing , bathing and going to the toilet .
25 In addition to dependence on people , a person who is physically handicapped will almost certainly be dependent on aids and equipment ; for example , a specially equipped bathroom to minimise the risk of falling while bathing and going to the toilet , and special safety gadgets in the kitchen to ensure that cooking can be accomplished without the risk of being cut or burned .
26 He asked you to pretend that he was staying here and going to the symposium on a daily basis .
27 ‘ I was about 12 and going to the school up the road — Clint Boon was in the year above me — and one morning there was this big commotion in the classroom .
28 He also knew how to live well by dining at expensive restaurants and going to the theatre , and as the Heritage Secretary he had invaluable contacts in the acting world .
29 And going to the table , he asked , ‘ Would you like some bread an' drippin' ? ’
30 Given full rein to run as far as they want , the plants are living very well and do n't feel in any particular danger , so there is no need for them to waste energy by perpetuating the species and going to the trouble of producing flower and setting seed .
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