Example sentences of "[conj] does not make " in BNC.

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1 Section 9 provides that where he can not or does not make the valuation , the contract is avoided .
2 9 – ( 1 ) Where there is an agreement to sell goods on the terms that the price is to be fixed by the valuation of a third party , and he can not or does not make the valuation , the agreement is avoided ; but if the goods or any part of them have been delivered to and appropriated by the buyer he must pay a reasonable price for them .
3 Sorry , I run a health spa in Scotland and I see an awful lot of women who obviously come in for some slight improvement but quite frankly it is the stress factor that shows in the face that does n't make them quite so beautiful because their personalities comes across for when their stressed it shows in their face and I notice when they leave only after a few days the stress has gone and their personality shines through and their far more beautiful .
4 ‘ I know that does n't make what 's happened any better , but it is finished ...
5 And of course if you strip everything that 's profitable out of it , like the erm er the railway air services went , erm the er the er erm hotels , ferries , everything else you can think of , you 're left with er with a runt that does n't make money , and not surprisingly the government then closes it down .
6 This was said to be ‘ the first Peruvian book of poetry that does not make tribute to a colonial aesthetic . ’
7 The metaphor does not in itself debase the theatre , and although Shakespeare is using plays and actors to present insincerity or hypocrisy that does not make him or them corrupt : the medium is not the same as the message .
8 If one finds , as one sometimes does , that an Act contains a provision that does not make sense , it is only too easy to assume that it is the draftsman who has made an error .
9 This section briefly reviews the essential features of Williamson 's theory , then presents two types of criticism : firstly , that the theory is a confusing mixture of static and dynamic elements , analysed in a loose way that does not make clear which things are endogenous and which are exogenous ; secondly , that the approach is too sanguine about the desirability of the organizational forms that are explained .
10 ‘ I think that anybody who sits around and does n't make the investment has got big problems coming in the future .
11 Whilst you 've suggested everybody else has a right to their opinion and does n't make yours the solution !
12 Their hearers completely fail to comprehend because the message is couched in unfamiliar vocabulary and does not make contact with any of their felt needs .
13 Although lengthy domestic and care routines are to some extent a reality of disability , it is necessary to work out a level of sharing between the women and their staff which allows a varied day and does not make a drudge out of anybody .
14 The Protocol also grant concessions to ‘ developing countries ’ , allowing the use of 0.3kg of CFCs per person , per year , for a maximum of ten years , but does not make it clear which developing countries are eligible .
15 The majority opinion emphasises the subjective condition that the General Assembly must be satisfied of the need for the wider powers , but does not make the power of granting oral hearings rest upon the precondition of failure of its duties by South Africa .
16 ( Longer , personalized speech by old friend or relative when bride 's father is present but does not make a speech . )
17 Is it your understanding then that the bill makes some acts of doctors lawful when they respond to the signing of a directive , but does n't make lawful what you did thinking it was perfectly good medical technique ?
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