Example sentences of "[conj] those not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Like any new improvements this had its opponents , claims being made that this work would drain the surrounding wells , so that those not connected would get no water .
2 A communiqué issued by the UNHCR on May 1 deplored the " false hopes " raised among some refugees , and stressed " that those not recognized as refugees must understand that there is no other solution than to return to Vietnam with guarantees for their safety and dignity assured by the UNHCR " .
3 Thus , the third phase of progress in the 1970s was characterised by selection for surgery of the most favourable cases with the expectation that those not selected for treatment would die .
4 An unspoken assumption is that those not adopting the attitudes of the early twentieth century American ‘ other ’ were personally underdeveloped and possibly even deviant .
5 As found in previous studies patients taking NSAIDs synthesised less PGE 2 than those not taking these drugs .
6 Stone recurrence in these patients seems to be less than those not given adjuvant therapy but the length of follow up is shorter .
7 Boys who were caned at school for smoking were found to be more likely to increase their smoking than those not caned .
8 If we look at the whole population of beavers , those that possess the mutated gene will , on average , tend therefore to rear more offspring than those not possessing the mutated gene .
9 This was not maintained after a second night , and after the third night without sleep subjects provided with these incentives could perform no better than those not provided with incentives .
10 The percentage of patients with oesophagitis was similar in those taking and those not taking bronchodilators ( Fig 3 ; p=NS ) .
11 Those perceived to be ‘ university material ’ were directed to high status choices , academic subjects , and those not seen as having the potential for higher education , despite having the same raw marks , were encouraged to opt for a more ‘ realistic ’ course .
12 The logistic model , taking into account the factorial design and potential confounders , identified a significant difference in the odds of remaining a never smoker between the groups using the family and smoking education project and those not using it ( ( F 3 , 3 5 =4.2 , p<0.05 ) , the groups using the project being less likely to remain never smokers .
13 Comparing the proportion of never smokers in the groups using the family and smoking project and those not using it by χ 2 analysis gave a result consistent with the results of the model ( χ 2 a d j =3.7 , df=1 ; p=0.05 ) .
14 The GPs ' database will have to differentiate between infants who have not been immunised and those not immunised by the GP .
15 Irregular words and those not dealt with by the set of suffices are marked and have their own entries .
16 But it is a lawyers ' word , and those not used to legal language might naturally think that it meant changing something or exchanging property for other property .
17 They were also friendlier towards female infants and those not fathered by the current alpha male .
18 The demographic details of the patients are shown in Table I. The groups were comparable for age , smoking , and drinking habits but those not treated with NSAID were more likely to have abdominal complaints .
19 The psychological problems arise because those not born to it tend to assume that if the horse does n't do it when asked , the rider ca n't be asking properly .
20 Teachers who see the scheme as useful in producing proposals for changes were again significantly positive in their attitudes whereas those not doing so were negative .
21 Fletcher and colleagues report that patients receiving atenolol have the same mortality from cancer as those not receiving atenolol .
22 I can live with my fish house , though those not used to it can find it oppressive , but after about two minutes in a space-heated one I start to wilt visibly .
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