Example sentences of "[conj] i [am/are] also " in BNC.

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1 I am a wicked woman and it is a punishment that I am also ill .
2 Should I tell my doctor that I am also having homoeopathic medicine ?
3 As he wrote in his Harvard Class Report in this year , " I like very simple and humane kinds of practical joke , which reminds me that I am also , at the moment , a Church Warden " .
4 Er as I said on , on Thursday night , that it saddens me about , that I 'm also an ex-patient of .
5 Like David , I have not got access to Satellite TV so I am also stuck with teletext and very poor coverage from the BBC .
6 And I am also thinking of the identification of Rahila Khan — a novelist supposedly Asian and female — as an Anglican vicar ; and of the attempt to thwart a biography by the Englishman Ian Hamilton of the American J. D. Salinger , whose novels tell the story of his life , but who does not want anyone else to do so , preferring to keep his facts to himself .
7 My approach and preparation are slower and I am also a different person mentally .
8 I do keep an eye on my colour changer to make sure that it is picking up each colour as it should and I am also very careful to check that I have no ‘ lazy ’ or less than perfect needles as picking up dropped stitches is not a pleasant job .
9 ‘ Yes , sir , I 'm the chambermaid and I am also responsible for the linen cupboard . ’
10 This time it was a police sergeant , and when Joe went upstairs the sergeant said : " I am looking for Wg Cdr Mahaddie , and I am also looking for one of my constables , " Joe foolishly replied : We might have a wing commander here but we do n't have your constable . "
11 Erm and I am also conscious of , of the amount of , of , of commercial er , er commercial er tipping and that , that , that , that , that goes on .
12 If we were to have dialogue , if dialogue were to be opened between us and I am now talking about dialogue and not of debate , then erm it is only erm , I 'm certain that there would be a great deal to , to say to him from us on our part , and I am also sure that he will have a great deal to say .
13 Until I know why Albie died , I wo n't know whether Ludo and I are also in danger .
14 ‘ You and I are also required to put in an appearance at the police station later , but I managed to persuade them you were n't in a fit state to answer questions right now . ’
15 That takes three days and I 'm also getting the combining done . ’
16 And I 'm also pleased to see most seed companies acknowledging that they are revivals ; in the past they have often tried to pretend that these reintroductions were stunning new breakthroughs .
17 ‘ I 'm surprised the Barnet fans have n't got together to try to get the club taken over and I 'm also surprised that Barry Fry is still there . ’
18 and were hoping to get somebody from Bishop 's Stortford I think it 's important to have a , and I 'm also going to ask Bob , the ambulance driver if he 's free to come , I think we can use the .
19 This is getting worse and I 'm also developing the same pains in my fingers , wrists , ankles and toes , as well as in my hips .
20 ‘ No , I 'm afraid I ca n't — and I 'm also afraid that you might have to face up to the fact that Silas has n't got private talks in mind , ’ Lucy pointed out gently .
21 I am white , I 'm middle class in terms of my background and to that extent have had a certain degree of privilege and I 'm also in some situations , easy enough to attack .
22 in Ludlow , we 've to the er , the Whitchurch initiative , there 's something going on in , in Lud in Ludlow at present which is particularly education , social service linked at , but at the end of the day that 's also about jobs , two jobs of training , and perhaps one of the ways in which we solve er , land issues erm , and , and of course Craven Arms is now , is now coming up in each profile as needing something done , and I 'm also being approached about the East Water Block Coking where there are particular problems in those areas .
23 There is a twelve percent reduction in maintenance , partly because we sold some holdings , partly a cut in the service , it is a , it is a , it 's a , it 's a legal requirement to maintain the whole thing , under the terms of the agreement , and I 'm also , because of the change in our , dropping our , a land agent , now that 's a reduction of thirty three percent in the management of the estates , so I really am doing my best and resources quite rightly have held my noose in order to ensure that I do .
24 I hear , I , I , I think there is a tendency with the County Council but as I discovered as Chairman of Highways that members want to take a greater interest and to have a greater say on the items on the agenda now planning is is not a controversial as , as say highway items , but nevertheless I think there will be times and there will be agendas which will require a great deal of discussion on the individual items and I 'm also a great believer bearing in mind comments if it ai n't broke , do n't bend it .
25 my name 's I 'm from Tarmac Construction Plant at depot I 'm office manager and I 'm also in charge of the stores hiring all the plant and equipment for all the sites in our area
26 In my spare time , I 'm chairman of Hurworth Parish Council , and I 'm also on Darlington Borough Council .
27 Right can I just ask a wee quick question which is highly personal liability for eight thousand pounds of tax and I 'm also a guarantor for my son 's mortgage
28 And I 'm also subbing my lodger Paul .
29 The quest for social pain becomes a preoccupation with my own pain — after all , feminists usually start from their point of identification with other women , and I have my own troubles too , like I 'm also " intentionally homeless ' , a person who 's got out in order to get up .
30 But I am also attracted by Graff 's suggestion that those who favoured a ‘ literary ’ , aesthetic , affective way of reading would then experience the satisfaction of working against the prevailing grain .
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