Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb mod] to " in BNC.

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1 I 'm an actress , or I used to be .
2 ‘ I 'm a model , or I used to be until I married .
3 ‘ I work out with weights — or I used to .
4 I found myself thinking affectionately that I ought to be straightforward with him ; the English liked that .
5 I was caught in a group near the door and it took me some time to realise that I ought to be looking at the pictures , since that was why we were there .
6 Well perhaps this is a good time just to take stock and to say I know that I 'm not all that I should be and all that I ought to be , but by this time next year I 'm going to be a bit better than I am just now , in spiritual terms .
7 Well again that may be that erm the evidence will be such that I think that I ought to erm give the decision on it .
8 ‘ I still feel that I ought to — ’
9 What we 're are saying is , There are the sites , they do n't have the development constraints that I would to the extent erm that you believe erm they have , and Skelton and the two objection sites are very well located a whole range of service facilities and employment opportunities , and development on those sites would fit squarely within local plan policy .
10 Well I did we we talked about this , you see Mary Anne , half way through the conversation er Neil went out of the room so that I could to Mary Ann and I said towards the end of my conversation , you know , Mary Ann you 're a very wise person , give me some advice I said , I told her about Neil not wanting no not doing well on the driving , although he can drive she said he does n't want to do it she said do n't hassle him so when he came downstairs I said I 've been talking to Mary Ann and she sends you her love and because , of course , you know , we 've got a grandson , you know she had a son , my
11 I said that I used to be partial to them when I smoked .
12 Remember that I used to be very well known for sports shots .
13 ‘ And another thing that 's changed is that I used to be wary of getting into certain types of music , for fear they would show up in my playing ; these days , though , I figure that listening to just about anything is cool .
14 For instance , I do n't want people to know that I used to be a drummer . ’
15 I do n't seem to fed the same urge to wander that I used to . ’
16 For instance , I do n't want people to know that I used to be a drummer . ’
17 I used to walk along there to see these rabbits I think the name was and they , it was a barber 's shop that had got these sold all sorts of pet things and that I used to , then I used to come home that was my Saturday morning , but I always used to go in up to the news line .
18 I 'm old , I know I 'm old and I ca n't do all the things that I used to be able to do .
19 Yeah but they , Ben and this bloke Phil that I used to s be seeing , the one that yeah , that one erm have got this
20 PAMELA : [ aside ] I have a little tincture of jealousy too , which has made me more uneasy than I ought to be , particularly in the case of Miss Sally Godfrey and my fears of what might happen when we reach London .
21 I do n't care , Morrissey is still wonderful and I still love him as much , if not more than I used to .
22 Now , I treat athletics more as a hobby than I used to . ’
23 I suppose it 's something to do with me being happy , being married , knowing where I am : I can see things more clearly now than I used to .
24 BELVILLE : I have had the mortification for some weeks past to come home to a very different Pamela than I used to .
25 I get to places much quicker than I used to : places like the far end of the room .
26 But if anybody has got a real problem I get more emotionally involved than I used to .
27 I still miss my favourite sister , who died over twenty years ago , but of course I think of her much less than I used to .
28 Less than I used to .
29 I 've told you all I know and I ought to be getting back — I 've lost two hours of work as it is . ’
30 What I have n't done and I ought to because of the erm the way that this discussion has to unfold , I ought to say that pure few sentences about why should there be a strategic sites policy at all and erm I ought to put that on the record although it 's pretty well trailed in all the paper work .
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