Example sentences of "[conj] i [be] in " in BNC.

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1 And if I carry on with this relationship I shall just end up where I was in New York , miserable , unhappy , alone .
2 I 'd been having a bit of a go about putting your hand up but every time he put his hand up I 'm bending over somebody or I 'm in a different part of the room .
3 Reading for our , I mean er , I supply my own car , my church has recognised that whether I 'm probably if I pay the tax and the insurance erm and I just thirty two , thirty five that 's but when I 'm in business or I 'm in provinces and I 'm allowed to pay what , ten fifteen
4 I got ta pass , 'cause I 'm in the team . ’
5 Although I was in pain I was conscious and can remember seeing Callanish itself .
6 I vividly remember , although I was in a thoroughly sleepy condition , telling him that in my view the only proper justification for an enquiry about Mr Profumo 's personal life depended on the possibility that some act of his might have compromised security , because he obviously had information which was secret .
7 But although I was in great pain , I was desperate to know if Magwitch was safe .
8 ‘ It is not that I am in favour of it , it is what is happening .
9 Here I hope that I am in the present with the advantage of a long view back as well .
10 I should hate anyone to think that I am , ’ she said , looking around her at us all and smiling again , ‘ that I am in the business of catering exclusively for prostitutes , tarts working girls , slags bitches , cunts , whores , studs , pimps , rent boys , butches , nellies , queens , masseurs , escorts , one-night stands , ex-models , ex-policemen , ex-Armed Forces , ex-boxers , security guards , tennis instructors , so-called businessmen , tourists and those poor unfortunates who simply come here to pass the time and meanwhile do some shopping ; oh , no , let it never be said !
11 Whenever I am assailed by unhappiness , I know that I am in the mundane , for in the transcendent there is no unhappiness .
12 But I now realise that I , too , have been a whore , now that I am in love .
13 He says that I am in collaboration with them in a swindle against Iran .
14 That I am in His hand .
15 It is , of course , no consolation for you to know that I am in an equally awkward situation . ’
16 And I do n't think I need point out that I am in the most awkward situation of all .
17 ‘ It means that I am in a liaison role here .
18 Consider the statement that I am in a jolly mood , which clearly is not one of the chosen kinds .
19 My belief that I am in pain may be justified , perhaps , but I can hardly be said to base it on reasons , conclusive or otherwise .
20 To say " I am in pain " is not to enunciate the knowledge of the proposition that I am in pain .
21 My father who was not conversant with your rituals , was judged by you to be common ; but you consider me to be your equal at the very moment that I am in a position to look down upon my father who was common , and to be ashamed of my grandfather who was working-class .
22 Our recruitment to English ( and it is with English that I am in this paper principally concerned ) was again untypical .
23 I ought to say , however , that I am in the habit of writing on any scientific topic which may arise , and have such excellent opportunities of getting the best scientific information , that I have no doubt I could please you on any subject connected with my department of science which you may suggest .
24 I learnt about magic bullets as an undergraduate in Australia in 1984 and I am impressed to think that I am in the company of their pioneer .
25 Do n't forget that I am in hiding .
26 With a new class I want the pupils to feel that I am in control and that I know what I 'm doing .
27 ‘ You are being very naughty , ’ McAllister whispered back , pretending to be severe , ‘ and the only thing that I can say in your favour is that I am in nearly as bad a way as you are , and know exactly how you feel — but be patient , it can not be long now , ’ for she knew that once the bazaar was over , and she was at last able to tell him the truth , they could go ahead with their marriage plans , the only delaying thing being the time it would take Mama and Papa to cross the Atlantic .
28 ‘ They also know now that I am in your room , señorita .
29 Perhaps it stems from a sensation that I am in some way making a prediction of awful catastrophe , and not just telling a story .
30 The line can be read : It is true that I am in love and wish to reveal this love in poetry .
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