Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 And a call came over the radio that there was a problem with one of the pumps downstairs , so seeing I had nothing better to do at that time I went downstairs to give them a hand .
2 I finished my list of demands and took it to the Branch Office , where I received something of a hero 's welcome .
3 Although Johnson twice found the hillocky little town lacking — ‘ At night we came to Bamff [ sic ] , where I remember nothing that particularly claimed my attention ’ ; and ‘ Finding nothing to detain us at Bamff , we set out in the morning ’ — he yet managed to write a short exercise in observation of Scottish small borough architecture .
4 Where I had nothing , she had everything .
5 I then went to Coventry Belgrade for six months , where I did everything from Malcolm in Macbeth to the play Charlie 's Aunt .
6 Although I doubt anyone will have the temerity to print them . ’
7 Looking back on the elements I have enumerated — of change , internationalism and achievement — I do not find it so surprising that I chose an industrial career , although I knew nothing of all this when I joined ICI .
8 Although I remained something of an outsider to the M.I.T. philosophy as it was at that time , I carried something of this arrogance back to England with me .
9 I 'd like to say that I remember something about the rest of that walk but I do n't , only that it rained , then it rained some more , and when it got fed up with that , it rained again .
10 It was only later that I dared to approach the nurse who did the dispensing and whisper in her ear that I knew nothing of Bach Remedies and would she please enlighten me .
11 You wo n't accept that I knew nothing about the drugs , yet you want my word ?
12 You refuse to accept that I knew nothing about the drugs .
13 Not that I knew anything about the area of course .
14 I hoped that by knocking-off time I 'd be able to say that I knew someone who had finished it .
15 It was not that I was so self-blind that I saw nothing to be learnt .
16 That walk that I 've one That I 've walked it twice , gone right out Glen Baily and right into Glen Shee and down Blackwater , down to the and come along and round in , thirteen mile Maybe twelve or thirteen miles .
17 It 's not that I 've anything against audiences , it 's just that when they 're a blur they 're so friendly — just one big smiley mess .
18 Not that I 've anything against Americans ; far from it .
19 But er I mean we We 've spoken about it before , on the platform , and things like that , that I mean everybody knows the score that if something happens if you 're if you 're sleeping you 've not got a an excellent chance , put it like that , I mean you er I mean nobody ever expected anything like what happened on piper to happen any on that scale .
20 ‘ I would not for a moment have it supposed that I mean anything derogatory to Dr. Yeats … but human nature is fallible .
21 My mother insisted on accompanying me to the tailor to ensure that I got something sensible .
22 No , because she said something , she said that I said something did n't she ?
23 I hope you do n't mind that I said anything . ’
24 I believe it was on this ride that I sensed something I had not felt since the time I took my French classes in London : a sort of exhilarating separateness .
25 I also tolled him that I thort someone getting there bottom caut in a bacon slicer might be qite funy , in fakt .
26 And I had to make all these er computations out and er I made fifty that I thought nobody could pick .
27 She even told Sybil that the frog in the school pond was enchanted , and poor Sybil was in such a state that I thought someone ought to teach Mildred a lesson . ‘
28 ‘ It 's real strange but I do n't feel cheated or that I deserved something and did n't get it ’ .
29 It was then that I noticed something suspicious .
30 Unfortunately , after the first six or seven freebies things got a little hazy and I understand that I told everyone that Singh and his brothers ( no relation ) were indeed going to build a superstore on ‘ The Tip ’ , but that they were also going to spend £2,000,000 on a new stadium for Athletico to be built on top of Mitchley cemetery .
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