Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 Where I lived and that ?
2 On the minus side , they knew what I looked like , where I lived and what I drove .
3 Only after 1 February can I go more or less where I please and then there is a need to work quite quickly since the ferreting season ends in April when the fast-growing vegetation and the increasing arrival of litters of young rabbits make it impractical to continue .
4 I used to go along to Greenbank Hospital 's geriatric wards , where I sang and played to the old folk .
5 You may think Loxford light years behind Woodborough , but it is my patch , where I live and work , however anachronistic .
6 Following the path with my thoughts wallowing in nostalgia , I soon found myself back where I started and crashing into the people I had heard through the mist .
7 I made my way to an hotel lounge in the Diamond , where I sat and read a leaflet I had picked up in the church .
8 We parked near the boathouse on the west shore , a ruined , mud-filled RAF building , where I pushed and heaved my three companions afloat , waving a cheerful farewell .
9 So I either have it in the kitchen or I go and I say to them do you want a cup of tea ?
10 I am often asked what if I had an accident or I collapsed and there was no one around to help .
11 Although I dreamed and could thus distinguish sleep from death , although I woke up again each morning , the fear remained , and my sister 's death only served to strengthen it .
12 ‘ My friends are people that I trust and I do n't have to put on airs with them — they know me and do n't assume that I 'm a terrific snob if I happen to be very quiet . ’
13 Basic Instinct is such preposterous , pernicious trash that I laughed and laughed .
14 Megan joined her plea to Ann 's , with such eager sincerity that I laughed and agreed .
15 Early Muddy Waters stuff : his stuff was the first slide that I heard and I did n't know what it was ; I did n't know if someone was playing steel guitar ; it sounded like they were fretting the guitar and slidin' .
16 It was in that office on the fourth floor that I heard and felt the city of Dublin roar and shudder with the explosion of three massive bombs which ripped through the heart of the city and its people .
17 It so happens that I can remember the firsts serious poem that I wrote and published , which was actually when I was in my mid-twenties .
18 The one that I remember and I hope that that er the papers are either here in Caernarfon in the archives or p possible in the National Library because my cousin , gave most of the Brothers papers that he had control over
19 It was Neil Spencer , editor of NME , suggesting rather embarrassedly that I come and see him .
20 Then she suggested that I go and stay with her in her flat .
21 I ca n't afford it to , apart from that I mean and it was
22 Do n't for God 's sake , do that y'know it 's what I find is , once panic sets in w and that 's usually either the night before or the day , I d anything that I try and read does n't really go in very well .
23 I was filled with such great uneasiness and hatred that I chattered and jibbered and made myself horrible .
24 Now in the lock museum I 've taken some locks th that I collected and took them over there they used to do speed locks butted locks sidecar locks er then , as the motor trade changed from all wood frames to metal frames , other types of locks , I took there but this is what is amazing me , they , at the lock museum they highlight all the Willinghall locks which are the padlocks , which are locks er wardrobe locks , cabinet locks and all the smaller type of locks but there was the biggest industry , I mean Walsall locks are still in existence now , they made er er locks for , for , for cars , the Bloxwich lock , that was their biggest trade was er , was er the bigger locks .
25 WILLIAMS : It is with great reluctance that I speak and I beg you to forgive me , but I must tell you it is the Countess of Pembroke , a lady noted for her wit and beauty but of a wanton disposition .
26 I talk about a textual body , and then I talk about a body that I inhabit and so many make bastions and institutions do n't want that .
27 ‘ Now I 'll go back and tell that silly little receptionist what a silly little toad he is too and if he does n't turn over the keys to the apartment that I booked and paid a deposit on I 'll scream all the way to his boss . ’
28 No because then , I just looked over all those things that I went and .
29 When we were shown into the chargé 's office , I studiously avoided shaking hands or having any eye contact , determined to alert him to the fact that I understood and respected their religious customs , in the hope that it might make a difference .
30 Yes I did er I sh I wo n't say the exact words but they were words to the effect that er that I was sorry , that I understood and appreciated that er erm his family would have been terrified by the experience .
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