Example sentences of "[conj] for [Wh pn] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Try smaller local companies who might benefit from some publicity or for whom you could attract extra business or perhaps create an enduring and prestigious work of art .
2 However , the proportions for whom the general practitioner was described as reluctant to visit , or for whom it was felt it would have been helpful if the doctor had visited the person who died more often , did not vary significantly between the groups .
3 Then we bring before Him our needs , hold before Him those whom we love and for whom we have a concern .
4 A couple of hours later , when the awkwardnesses had receded and giggling and fidgeting had given way to my acceptance as part of the furniture , they were engaged in an enthusiastic frank exchange about the qualities of teachers whom they had liked , whose lessons they had enjoyed and for whom they were prepared to concede the comment : ‘ Mr So and So was decent — yeah , well decent , were n't he Sue ? ’
5 They could therefore intercede with him for the living , to whom they might appear , and for whom they might still work miracles .
6 married women and widows who pay NI contributions at the reduced rate and for whom you hold a valid certificate .
7 You have a child who is disabled and for whom you receive the disabled child premium .
8 For as soon as a news organization is established within a competitive economic system , it has to exercise choices about what sort of medium it is , what it does and for whom it does it .
9 Those of my readers who are young enough to have been exposed to " modern mathematics ' at school , and for whom it " took " , will be familiar already with the essentials of this rather sophisticated notion .
10 However insignificant in myself I am the Representative on this question of no mean body in this country who would be … disappointed and chagrined at the suspension of the question — But further — and this is a consideration far more really influential on my Conduct — I can not but feel myself the Representative of a Body who can not speak for themselves and for whom I must act without other guide than my own Conscience .
11 I am sure that my hon. and gallant Friend , whom I have known for many years and for whom I have a great affection , would agree that about half the best people are women .
12 Elham , whom he met on a Beirut blind date , and for whom he converted to Islam , is more blunt .
13 He also found service with Peter des Roches , bishop of Winchester [ q.v. ] , a leading political rival of Langton and Poer , whom Elias none the less assisted with the foundation of monastic houses in Selborne and Titchfield , and for whom he subsequently acted as executor .
14 In the course of this success he also travelled abroad on at least two occasions : in 1787 he visited Paris , where his youngest brother , the inventor and pamphleteer William Playfair [ q.v. ] , was then the agent of the Scioto Land Company of Ohio — and for whom he later made abortive designs for an ideal ‘ American City ’ — while in 1792–3 he was in Italy , where his itinerary included the Greek temples of Paestum .
15 And she also knew that Dr Neil was well aware of why she had done what she did , and she knew something else — he was not only sorry for McAllister , but was even sorrier for Mrs Darrell , as well , a widow who had lost her husband in the most cruel circumstances , and for whom he knew that he would never offer , despite his pity for her .
16 ‘ I love Linda not for what she did for me but for who she is .
17 And as for who he is … oh , farmer , racehorse owner , playboy , landowner , owns a big house — the gardens of which , to everyone 's amusement , ’ he added with his infectious chuckle , ‘ he opens to the public . ’
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