Example sentences of "[conj] for [art] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Two further reasons have been given for the establishment of government-owned newspapers or for the taking over of existing privately owned ones .
2 But a simple classification into the morally superior and inferior , though adequate to distinguish the ‘ respectable ’ from the drunken and licentious labouring mass , was plainly no longer adequate , except for the striving lower middle class , if only because the ancient virtues were no longer visibly applicable to the successful and wealthy bourgeoisie .
3 I sat right at the front , my head tilted back as if for a nose-bleed , the stick of my sherbet lolly angled like a thermometer , in a quiet fever of excitement .
4 ‘ The Media Commission provides for the broad-basing of ownership and for the breaking up of cartels and monopolies .
5 In late February , 49 deputies in the National Assembly — mainly but not exclusively drawn from the Social Democratic Populists ( SHP ) and the People 's Labour Party ( HEP ) — published a document calling for a ceasefire in the Kurdish areas of eastern Turkey , for the lifting of the state of emergency and for the bringing to account of those responsible for torture and assassinations .
6 It ascertained that centres had formally sought Scottish Education Department and , where applicable , Local Authority approval , and also considered the resource implications both for the Council and for the presenting centres .
7 Erm , the first one is a letter from Ron , he , he 's in Milton Keynes with his family at the moment , on holiday , and he will be missing this meeting action tomorrow and unfortunately the September Executive , erm , he 's reported on the erm market stall which I 'll come to a bit later , I ask you for details about that and for the enclose with it erm , a statement issued by the association nationally on pensioner 's and the Poll Tax .
8 But Nuadu had ridden out for the king and for the captured half-brother he had never known .
9 There , temporary accommodation had been arranged for the rescued sect personnel in the local church hall and community centre , and for the captured heavies in the town jailhouse .
10 A further argument for a graph-based analysis of the issues , as well as for the using the Chart system specifically , is that , although the Chart was designed for use with rule-based systems , it has been used as the basis of a connectionist model of parsing ( Waltz & Pollack 1985 ) .
11 As for the mentioned activity , an attempt must be made to understand it in a way consonant with what has been said of contents and objects , that they are not states of affairs or ordinary things , and also with a further fact , that there are various modes of consciousness .
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