Example sentences of "[conj] that there [be] " in BNC.

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1 People seem to think either that a burglary wo n't happen to them , or that there 's nothing they can do to stop a really determined thief .
2 You do not need all this to establish that a man is drunk or that there is mayhem when he is in charge of a class .
3 It is one thing to recognize a small dark moving spot , and quite another to recognize that one 's colleague Dr X is in a bad temper , or that there is a car approaching on the wrong side of the road .
4 It is possible that the two women are one and the same , or that there is a serial killer on the prowl , but as none of Barbs 's friends or neighbours give a damn where she is , her continuing absence occasions little comment .
5 Education about the Third World which does not refer to the socio-economic problems of rural Europe can promote a belief that European development has worked and that failure lives elsewhere in the world , or that there is no relationship between the problems of European DRAs and those of the predominantly rural Third World countries .
6 He can do so in just the way that he believes the totality of appearances can be interpreted without belief in ‘ substances ’ , or that there is no further significance to existence than that it is not a predicate .
7 I do not wish to argue that one is an act of killing and the other an omission to treat , or that there is active , as opposed to passive , conduct .
8 It can not be assumed that women over 65 would have had an adequate screening history and therefore can be forgotten , or that there is no point in regular follow-up of older patients .
9 Supposing the physician can find no tissue damage or that there is an inappropriate relation between objective fact and subjective complaint .
10 This can mean that the bowels move less frequently , that hard faeces are not easily passed or that there is an increased retention of faeces in the colon ( see pages 74 to 75 ) .
11 Or that there is a ‘ real ’ private Gilbert and George , and another fake public persona .
12 Others are not reported because of embarrassment or fear on the part of the victim ( rape , domestic assaults ) , or because he or she thinks that there is little the police can do about it ( vandalism , shoplifting ) , or that the offence is not very serious anyway , or that there is no unwilling victim ( drug abuse , soliciting , under-age sex ) .
13 None of this means that nationalism is not very prominent in world politics today , or that there is less of it than there once was .
14 We must assume either that all chains between junctions are of equal stretched length or that there is some definable length distribution .
15 The Regional Council does not accept that the effect of the opinions referred to by the appellant are ‘ informed ’ , ‘ tested– or ‘ overwhelming ’ , or that there is any need , let alone an urgent need , to find more land in advance of the Structure Plan Review .
16 If the WC cistern takes a long time to fill , it is possible that a high-pressure type of ballvalve has been fitted instead of a low-pressure type ( page 38 ) or that there is dirt in the valve orifice .
17 It is one thing to have a good system in place and then to discover that in practice , on site for example , a different system is used or that there is no system in use .
18 The District Council has accommodated the highest proportion of Greater York growth of all the districts surrounding York over the last ten years , and therefore I think it likely that it would expected to accommodate the largest proportion of the fourteen hundred dwellings that would be accommodated in the new settlement , erm I do not think that any of the settlements or that there is sufficient land within the Southern Ryedale area to accommodate that level of development without adversely affecting character of the settlements , or compromising greenbelt objectives , as I mentioned this morning , and also I question whether or not erm whether th most of the settlements in the Southern Ryedale area have only a minimal s minimal service base anyway on which to tack any large housing growths , and I do n't necessarily foresee any subsequent rise in the service base of those settlements as a result of the housing being added on to them .
19 erm One pretends that one 's wife is going into the shop just for ten , you know for just three minutes , or that there is a baker 's van delivering stuff at nine , nine o'clock in the morning .
20 They did not realise that three years would elapse before Black 's injuries would be sufficiently stabilised to enable them to be measured by his doctors or that there are factors in the functioning of the United Kingdom judicial system which would thwart him from securing justice in the courts .
21 Or that there are Gospels other than those in the New Testament , which were more or less arbitrarily excluded from the canon by councils composed of eminently mortal , eminently fallible men .
22 A note to the notice of the annual general meeting must state the place and time at which copies of all such service contracts can be inspected or that there are no such contracts .
23 It has to be written in an initial transcription of a language until you have decided with that it is phonemic ( i.e. can make a difference in meaning ) , in which case you will have to continue writing it , or that there are rules to follow , so you can predict where it comes .
24 These implicitly assume either that the universe is spatially infinite or that there are infinitely many universes .
25 In these cases the committee has to be satisfied that there has been a bona fide change of intention , or that there are other exceptional circumstances , and if satisfied can permit the applicant to complete additional training as a preparation for entering pupillage .
26 I do n't think Lawrence got any convictions for armed robbery has he , or that there are any subsequently ?
27 Curiously , Palin made a point in the commentary about how he was n't pretending that he was on his own or that there were not gruff acolytes kneeling at his feet as he spoke .
28 Proof is required that the size , shape or colour are not as prescribed or that there were no ‘ L ’ plates or only one displayed .
29 This may reflect the belief that catalogs of data were more appropriate fur teaching purposes or that there were pressures to shy away from controversial ideas .
30 Admirers claim that the Thatcher governments have vanquished much conventional wisdom of the 1970s , such as the idea that the British were ‘ ungovernable ’ , that the unions ran the country , or that there was a ‘ British disease ’ .
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