Example sentences of "[conj] i 'll never " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'll make her my wife , ’ he declared to himself , ‘ or I 'll never be able to concentrate on work again ! ’
2 Or I 'll never eat dim-sum with you again . ’
3 ‘ Do n't let her in or I 'll never get any lunch .
4 I 'd better write that down or I 'll never remember it specially with er what comes next ?
5 It taught me a lesson about drinking and driving that I 'll never forget . ’
6 If you write that I 'll never speak to you again .
7 They 've made it fairly clear to me that I 'll never be a high-flier , but every company needs some people who are n't high-fliers , and that 's all right by me .
8 The older woman looks tense and upset , and says she 's missing her bingo , but dare n't go to her old club " because he might see me , " but if she does n't go she 'll miss the annual trip and , " if I do n't go on that I 'll never get out .
9 The first is that I 'll never walk out on you again .
10 ‘ Have n't I given sufficient indication that I 'll never marry her ? ’
11 Of course Scamp gets to claim about twenty grand on some dubious insurance policy and I resign myself to the fact that I 'll never get beyond Inspector .
12 You have my word , Fran , that I 'll never kiss you again … in anger .
13 ‘ The more I live the more I realise there are things that I 'll never do .
14 Oh no I 've just started a colour that I 'll never ever be able to find again .
15 So I 'll never see you again . ’
16 London 's very far … and I 'll never go back home .
17 Well you can apologize all you like , because I 'll never believe you mean it , and I 'll never accept your apology ! ’
18 I am not really curious and I 'll never seek to know . ’
19 ‘ To signal like that was the smartest thing I 've ever come across in my life , and I 'll never forget it — ever . ’
20 And I 'll never forgive you .
21 I appreciate everything they have done for me and I 'll never forget that .
22 ‘ You have been so kind to me and I 'll never forget any of you .
23 I read in a newspaper recently that he 'd said , ‘ I 've only ever done one chat show and I 'll never do another one . ’
24 And I 'll never forget Mr Dyance .
25 She was obviously flustered and I 'll never forget her concerned eyes staring into mine .
26 Oh , yes , I understand , and I 'll never do it again . ’
27 One of the big syndicates will give it full coverage , and I 'll never have to work again .
28 She had intended to say , ‘ Because I went through a promiscuous period after I left Sam , and it was a hateful , shameful , humiliating time , and I 'll never let it happen again . ’
29 And I 'll never look at or speak to Gilbert Blythe again ! ’
30 And I 'll never see her again ! ’
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