Example sentences of "[conj] was n't it " in BNC.

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1 Good that was n't it ?
2 What would my father and mother say , and was n't it time I took upon myself the responsibility of my spiritual life at that time held in proxy by my godparents .
3 One day , soon after he arrived in the dale he had reason to go to another farm and overheard a conversation between two old ladies.p They were lamenting that it was a sad day because outsiders were coming into the dale and taking over farms and was n't it a shame they could n't be let to locals . ’
4 And was n't it wonderful to be here , actually here , in Rob 's city .
5 And was n't it just the best meatloaf you had ever tasted ? ’
6 And was n't it so sad .
7 And then he felt the music 's pull again , and thought that had n't they summoned Fael-Inis to help them , and was n't it sensible to obey him ?
8 And was n't it kind of them to leave the things to Anne and myself and the nice messages ? ’
9 They thought that Goibniu was looking happy ( although it was always difficult to tell with giants ) and thought , was n't it a fine old thing to see how well the designs were being received and was n't it great , altogether , to see how well received the Oakapple 's sketches were , because had n't he been the guiding light behind most of the work ?
10 ‘ But if it 's the giants you 're wanting to fool , then it 'd be the grand old Draoicht Suan , ’ said Pumlumon , and the Gnomes nodded sagely and said that would be it , the Draoicht Suan it would be , the spell that had kept the Trees fast asleep for so many years now , and was n't it a powerful strong spell and Pumlumon the fellow to be spinning it for them all ?
11 ‘ Yes , and was n't it nice that little Ellie was here just in time to help clarify things ? ’
12 ‘ Sure and was n't it an act of God that you came at all ? ’
13 To anyone who was claiming unemployment benefit or social security , which I do n't , I would imply that I 'd registered as ‘ outdoor clerical ’ or similar , and was n't it a disgrace they could n't find me a job ?
14 I 'm glad you 've made reference actually to that picture of the circles because I , I erm I came up with that after we 'd had the parish day and i you know , observing who was there on the parish day and then trying to see how , how we reach people and , and , and who were missing and how important was it that everybody should be there on parish day , and was n't it that people who are involved should be there on parish day because that 's a point at which erm you know parish council can meet those very people .
15 And was n't it with a girl ?
16 They told me that no one had ever been hurt like this ; but was n't it only a question of time ?
17 But was n't it a risk setting up alone at a time when you would n't be able to work continuously ?
18 We all agreed that , none of us having been there , Lapland had an aura of romantic mystery about it , but was n't it a difficult and expensive place to get to ?
19 But was n't it for the best that his son be separated from Jennifer ?
20 But was n't it somewhat severe to , to get you know
21 Could n't be Roman , of course , she could see that , but was n't it interesting how traditional ways of doing things carried on ?
22 Of course , she thought , she did n't really care , but was n't it natural that she should be curious about him ?
23 But was n't it also a compliment ?
24 But was n't it ironic that he wuz the one who eventually blew everythin' wide open , an ’ led you to the chink 's drugs operation ? ’
25 There had to be something she could say , something sharp and snappy , tailor-made to disabuse him of that idea , but was n't it just typical that she could n't for the life of her think what it was ?
26 But was n't it better this way ?
27 But was n't it Arthur Scargill himself who almost a decade ago warned the nation that a national fuel policy was essential in order to conserve our energy stocks ?
28 , but was n't it free when you had it ?
29 Yeah but was n't it
30 Angry — because was n't it accepted that an individual could only be influenced if she was a willing party ?
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