Example sentences of "[conj] it may [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The Mail had a regular page for women which would not be out of place in an English daily , where it may well have originated :
2 However , looking at the archetype of the Weaving Mother operating in the general human domain , we can see the same principle operating in , for instance , the teaching systems of spiritual and esoteric traditions , where it may just as easily be the man who calls upon the powers of binding .
3 A brass plaque was duly struck in Benjamin 's memory and mounted in the church near the organ , where it may still be seen :
4 RDBI The Relational Database Interface product allows data held by LIFESPAN to be transferred to a relational database where it may then be queried by users .
5 It may be that the patient feels gratified by someone taking his or her illness seriously , or it may simply be the power of suggestion — because they feel they are being offered a cure , they actually begin to get better .
6 Foregrounding may be QUALITATIVE , ie deviation from the language code itself — a breach of some rule or convention of English — or it may simply be QUANTITATIVE , ie deviance from some expected frequency .
7 It can refer to the growth of influence of the natural and social sciences as bodies of knowledge which underpin practice in fields such as medicine , pharmacy , agriculture , engineering , architecture or social work ; it can refer to the increased importance of mathematics or computing in some fields ; it can refer to the attempt to develop models or theories of practice itself , for example in the fields of management , nursing or teaching , or it may simply reflect the enlargement of the off-the-job element in professional education .
8 This might be because building societies have developed some new product which personal savers prefer to National Savings certificates or it may simply be that interest rate differentials have changed in favour of the societies .
9 The high correlation between accident estimate and risk rating observed , r(46)=0.75 , p<0.01 , may reflect the objective correlation that should exist between these measures or it may simply be that subjects were not completely successful in dissociating the two scales .
10 The lack of reversal when splitting data by accident estimates may have been caused by a number of films with very little peripheral information in them , or it may simply have been an effect of the high correlation between risk and accident estimates .
11 The organization hiring the programmer or consultant may want to own the copyright so that it can exploit the resultant program itself , or it may simply want to prevent its competitors from obtaining a copy of it .
12 Or it may simply have been that he was hiding : that his confused sexuality could at any time have brought him down .
13 Violence may be the erm scenes that we 've been witnessing of terrorism lately , or it may simply be a boxing match , or a rugby match , or something like that .
14 The isotope most commonly used for measurement of colonic transit is 9 9 m Tc-DTPA in liquid form , or it may also be incorporated into ispaghula husk to simulate the physical properties of faeces more closely .
15 This bonus may be given because the employee concerned has no pension rights and does not have an enhanced salary already reflecting this or it may just be a reward for satisfactory completion of the contract .
16 In summary , Collins have pulled out of participation in the National Corpus Project and Longman have given a commitment to participate in the National Corpus Project , which leaves us having submitted a proposal a revised proposal to the D T I , erm fully documenting Longman 's contribution , erm but leaving O U P's role and financial contribution to the project open in anticipation that there is likely to be some rearrangements amongst the industrial partners , that is there may be a reallocation of funding between Longman and O U P and maybe the addition of new partners erm or it may just stay as it is erm .
17 On the academic site , detailed tephrachronology makes it possible to study patterns in the behaviour of volcanoes — the magma erupted from one volcano may become steadily more acid , or it may show cyclical changes , or it may even vary consistently during each eruption , starting off fairly basic and ending up at the close of the eruption much more acid .
18 Specialist animal insurance companies usually offer such cover at little cost , either separately or built into a health protection policy for your pet , or it may even be incorporated into your household insurance .
19 If it has been discovered during the course of earth-moving for construction or other work , however , the site may be totally unknown ; in this case , it is important that local archaeologists are alerted as soon as possible , so that some kind of record of the site can be made before it is destroyed , or it may even be excavated if found to be important .
20 As the flow , or ( annual ) amount of the commodity increases , the supply price may either increase or diminish ; or it may even alternately increase and diminish .
21 ( 2 ) For this purpose regard shall be had to such display , publication , showing , playing , broadcasting or inclusion in a cable programme service as he has , or it may reasonably be inferred that he has , in view . ’
22 I do not think it can be said that the manner of death is any more horrific than it used to be ( although it may well be different ) but it may be that the way of reporting someone 's death has radically changed and that this has brought its own problems .
23 Corn was shipped along the Stroudwater canal to Oil Mill , although it may well be that the last half mile or so of the Painswick Stream was once navigable .
24 Means , in most of the reported cases , the naked penis although it may well be that exposure of the vagina would be within the mischief the offence is trying to prevent .
25 Although it may well be the right treatment , they take a long time to get over it .
26 However , this is not sufficient , either , although it may well be necessary .
27 A relativist will deny that there is a unique category , ‘ science ’ , that is intrinsically superior to other forms of knowledge , although it may well be that individuals or communities place a high value on what is usually referred to as science .
28 A better song at the learning stage does not , for instance , allow it to defend a territory or court females more effectively — although it may well have such a consequence later , after the song has been learnt ( p. 127 ) .
29 On balance , the evidence does not support this tactical scenario , although it may well have occurred to de Gaulle .
30 Although it may well cover something of an earlier date .
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