Example sentences of "[conj] it have [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 One example of this were the experiments of Edward L. Thorndyke who put an animal , usually a cat , in a wooden puzzle box where it had to learn a response , e.g. stepping on a lever to unlock the door and get out .
2 We must conclude , therefore , that the duty to support just institutions , where it has to do with just authorities , is parasitical on the normal justification thesis , and not an alternative to it .
3 Yet these million or so termites build their equivalent working in a coordinated way in total darkness , each blind , tiny-brained insect knowing exactly where it has to place its pellets of mud to produce nurseries , supporting pillars , living chambers , gardens , flues , defensive walls — and that extraordinary spiral cooling vane .
4 ‘ Either LIN buys the rest of the franchise it does n't already own , or it has to come to terms with McCaw . ’
5 Although it had to come to the before it was accepted .
6 The Communist Party of Great Britain , which was thus excluded from the Labour Party on its foundation was by far the most important Left minority in existence in the 1930s although it had to compete with the ILP for that position at least until 1935 .
7 Capron said it had come to his attention that I 'd been meeting you and that it had to stop . ’
8 The range of opinions expressed by nobles on the provincial committees made plain to St Petersburg that it had to act alone .
9 The Northern Ireland Office was shaken to its foundations and accepted that it had to curtail drastically the activities of the Provisional IRA and be seen to move against the more violent gangsters in loyalist urban districts .
10 For fear of losing one or two sales of its obsolete mainframes , IBM designed the RT so badly that it had to junk the machine completely and start again from scratch to create the ( incompatible ) RS/6000 .
11 The 8100 is the more compelling indicator of what might happen to OS/2 2.0 : IBM spent so much money developing both the hardware and a completely new operating environment and set of compilers and utilities for the thing that it had to recoup its investment , come hell or high water , before it could be killed off , despite the fact that within a couple of years , it became clear that what users wanted as a distributed processor was the machine that eventually appeared — fatally too late — as the 9370 .
12 Sukarno insisted that it had to go on ‘ with united forces and tireless energy ’ .
13 Was it really so important that it had to take priority over something as necessary as post , which often contains faxes and other mail urgently required .
14 The college 's principal , Professor Norman Gower , said he was sad that it had to sell but added : ‘ The cost of preserving Thomas Holloway 's main benefaction left us with no alternative .
15 As a feudal ruler he could not concentrate all power in his own hands , and the East India Company saw that it had to deal with a hundred local rulers .
16 Just imagine what your reaction would be if you were given a brand new washing machine and told that it had to last you for seventy years or more .
17 It is most likely that it had to do with the extra fasts practised by the Pharisees and in this case the disciples of John the Baptist , who may have been mourning the death of their leader .
18 The fact that Follow Me was designed for broadcast meant that it had to do its own presentation , as it were , for home viewers .
19 How would it know that it had to lose weight ?
20 I have been fearfully worried , but I felt that it had to come .
21 On the shores of uncharted CCT requirements the Computer Co-ordination Section has realised that it had to come up with a leaner , meaner , faster name for the Section .
22 It is easy to forget that it had to start somewhere .
23 She looked back at Nuadu and knew that it had to work .
24 In February the chairman of National Westminster Bank , Lord Alexander , warned his investment-banking arm , County NatWest , that it had to become profitable within two years or face possible closure .
25 Unfortunately , the nonresonant nature of the nonlinearity in this experiment meant that it had to compete with other nonlinear processes .
26 The council grew so tired of lorries cutting this corner short and hitting the casement of the listed building next to it that it had to build a specially high kerb .
27 However , the government demanded a five-year grace period before paying into the UN-supervised compensation fund for Kuwaiti victims of Iraq 's occupation and the ensuing war , on the grounds that it had to meet domestic needs first , including the US$194,000 million cost of reconstruction .
28 Essentially , this meant that it had to operate like a company , with a capital structure and a requirement to deliver a return on capital employed , but with the ownership wholly in the hands of the British Government .
29 Most disturbing is the fact that the company spent an entire year preparing for the strike , convinced that it had to end overmanning and weaken the unions ' grip on production if the newspaper , despite a circulation of 1.1m , were ever to become a money-maker .
30 We should have known we could n't prolong it once we 'd agreed that it had to end . ’
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