Example sentences of "[conj] it be move " in BNC.

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1 It may be a spaceship , although it is moving too slowly to arrive at a star .
2 Now remember that a helicopter , unlike a conventional aircraft , does not necessarily have to be pointing in the direction that it is moving and that the pilot must tell the tail where to go at all times .
3 And though the industry is young , there are signs that it is moving tentatively towards the notion of performance league tables for venture capital fund managers .
4 We duly went back to Sun , which claims there is to a deal , just like it said , has been for months and that it is moving lots of product .
5 The satellite pictures shows a lot of cloud just to the east of us , but you 'll see that it is moving away .
6 Another effect of intrinsic curvature is revealed when a vector is transported round a closed path in such a way that it is moved parallel to itself at each step of the journey .
7 Sequent Computer Corp confirmed last week reports that it is to move into the multi-processor PC ‘ superserver ’ business , basing its software strategy around Microsoft Corp 's forthcoming NT operating system ( UX No 390 ) .
8 Separately , Digital Equipment Corp announced that it was moving back into South Africa with a wholly-owned subsidiary , Digital Sales and Services South Africa ( Pty ) Ltd , which begins operation on July 1 .
9 International outrage at deteriorating conditions in Turkish refugee camps in the mountainous border region around Isikveren led the government to announce on April 14 that it was moving 200,000 refugees to prepared sites near Silopi , about 50 km inside Turkey .
10 Only now had it occurred to him that it was moving along quite different channels .
11 The policeman and a colleague stopped the van ‘ for no other reason than it was moving in the early hours of the morning , ’ a detective at the scene said .
12 Really I reckon there 's something wrong , convinced of it , oh it runs alright once it 's moving it 's just such an awkward driver that 's all I was glad to get out of the thing I was did knock the bloody er whatsit down , buses knock the er
13 Bobby , and it 's to move their fingers and to use their imagination with pictures .
14 Two five five , the reason why the Executive asked for withdrawal was because it 's moving us a bit too fast along this track , and it 's moving us in a particular direction before we 've had the time to think about whether that 's the right direction to go .
15 And then , each side of it 's making contact and it 's gone into a hole that size , and it 's moving it ai n't making contact .
16 It will be a modest help and it is moving in the right direction .
17 There 's that thing , my HAND , utterly repulsive , and it is moving , making tiny scrawls on the paper .
18 A niece took over the post office when she married , and it was moved to the present premises .
19 The accounts were approved and it was moved that " a box be obtained for the Custody of the Deeds , & be lettered " Stockport Grammar School " " .
20 I would like to support obviously the motion that was a and it was moved .
21 Does n't look as if it 's moving at all to me .
22 It almost seemed as if it was moving further away with each stride .
23 Even such a perfect match would count for little if the fish had to wave its fins in order to maintain its position in the water , or if it were to move independently from the weed .
24 And then you put that down where you think is the right place and you get really pissed off cos it 's moving really slowly and moving the board outline as well .
25 But it 's moving towards that end , where , do it or else .
26 But it was to move from Jerusalem .
27 Mr Cristiani suspended ties between the two countries in the wake of the incident and threatened to boycott tomorrow 's summit meeting unless it was moved away from its planned Managua venue .
28 Two five five , the reason why the Executive asked for withdrawal was because it 's moving us a bit too fast along this track , and it 's moving us in a particular direction before we 've had the time to think about whether that 's the right direction to go .
29 There was a feel to that as well because it was moving a lot was n't it ?
30 Ace could see it only because it was moving , blotting out more stars as it and the shuttle flew towards each other .
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