Example sentences of "[conj] was [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The opera was called ‘ sister Chiang ’ & was about a girl who was leader in the guerrilla fighting in Szechwan just before the liberation .
2 was receiving inpatient treatment or was on a waiting list for inpatient treatment
3 It was widely believed that North Korea had the capacity — or was on the verge of achieving it — to produce a nuclear weapon .
4 The first defendant learnt of this but also became aware that no copy of his report had been sent to the tribunal or was on the plaintiff 's file at the hospital .
5 A substantial shareholder means any person who is or was within the preceding year a holder of 10 per cent or more of the nominal value of any class of capital of the vendor or any other company within its group , including subsidiaries of its ultimate holding company having rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of the relevant company .
6 It is also possible to feel , and to be told in London , that there was more to be said about the mad love than he allowed himself , or was in a position , to come up with .
7 Then she ran into a problem : everyone she had wanted to ask originally was currently dead or no longer kayaked or was in a state somewhere between the two .
8 Western intelligence experts , who believed that North Korea had already built or was in the process of constructing a reprocessing facility capable of producing weapons-grade plutonium , were taken by surprise since satellite photographs had previously shown only two reactors .
9 Notice to produce the document must have been given in order to render oral evidence of it admissible ; it must be shown that the document existed , is or was in the possession of the other side , and that the original would have been admissible and relevant .
10 ‘ Far from helping Third World governments to realise their development goals , excessive reliance on mass media had , in fact , generated consumerism and a new individualism which , in turn , had stimulated demand to a degree that was beyond the capacity of the economy to absorb , ’ writes Mr Jayaweera .
11 And then there was an iron bar going from this plank , through the wall , and you could Er then this sort of a a pronged thing that was over the strap , you you could s push it over with that pu pulling the the plank up here .
12 Three pound nineteen and six or four pound one shilling that was about the top wages in in the land at that time for tradesmen .
13 Therefore , on 13 February 1991 , I tabled a written question : ’ To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many general practitioners in previous years , in complying with his wishes to move to use computers , applied for a grant for the installation of a computer system that was above the figure of payment set out in the published computer cost reimbursement schedule . ’
14 I found that interesting because it appears that the Minister does not know how many doctors made a claim that was above the amount of the reimbursement schedule or , if he did know , he was unwilling to tell me , so I must presume that he did not know .
15 Like the FAOR Field Trial ( Chapt 10 ) it took place in an establishment that was under the control of a Social Services Department .
16 member of Master Humphrey 's circle , who resides with him and acts as his secretary and steward : ‘ something of a musician , something of an author , something of an actor , something of a painter , very much of a carpenter , and an extraordinary gardener , having had all his life a wonderful aptitude for learning everything that was of no use to him .
17 It was easy to cast a slug that was of the body size , therefore your paragraphs were separated by a slug that was the body size , you did n't put a three point which is what you 'd have probably wanted .
18 Entering Biarritz by the coast road like this , you end by driving along the Avenue Édouard VII , which leads down into the centre of the town and sets the tone for a resort that was for a while Europe 's princeliest .
19 The opinion evidence was not admissible as it sought to answer the very matter that was for the Special Commissioner 's decision , a question for which the witness was not qualified as an expert .
20 In these three miracles Jesus claimed the right to do any action on the Sabbath that was for the good of people .
21 Mrs Wright lifted a vase of flowers that was on a small table by the door so that she could see how much water was in .
22 These had a privately run deposit-insurance scheme that was on the point of going bust , following the failure in October of the two-branch Heritage Loan and Investment of Providence .
23 Lee got up and ran back to the toilet , picking up the helmet that was on the floor .
24 ‘ Now , have a look at this interview that was on the News last night . ’
25 He and Anne had a bathroom opening out of their bedroom but Adam , when he got up in the night , usually went to the other one that was on the far side of the landing .
26 Monty was supposed to be on the wagon and I certainly did n't see him drinking , until I discovered that every time he passed the bar he 'd pick up any bottle that was on the bar and drink it .
27 He reached out for his tie that was on the table .
28 This Mrs Melburn , the parson 's wife … she seems a motherly figure , in a way , but that bit ’ — she pointed to the page of a letter that was on the table — ‘ that bit tells you why they came this way . ’
29 Woodward opened the folder that was on the desk and took out a paper .
30 The man that was on the mower , they had an eye to that they would just wait until it was off the the Where it was cut you see ?
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