Example sentences of "[conj] was [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 This would provide the basis for the defence to seek to prove during the trial that the US either knowingly tolerated or was complicit in Noriega 's illegal activities .
2 Nor was Baldwin in any way a notable Harrow figure .
3 Nor was Roland in reality quite the great man and imperial favourite he is presented as in the poem , but a fairly obscure governor of Brittany .
4 The focal point for the exclusive society that was Everton in the first half of the nineteenth century was St George 's church , which was built in 1814 to the designs of Thomas Rickman ; it was the first church in the world to use cast iron extensively .
5 In the silent happiness that was life in la Sologne , Jean-Claude explained to me why he was not working on Frontenac 's libretto and how he would not do so for any amount of money .
6 And if there were h a wagon or a hutch went off the road there you were with not enough height to lift it all back off the rail again and believe me that was experience in itself .
7 He was n't able to remember many details , but he could remember that feeling , the sickening slump of the heart that was Sunday in his boyhood , a day his parents kept holy with somnolence , dullness and decorum .
8 Having effectively established the background of decadence , savagery and corruption that was Rome in 300 AD , the play shifts gears after the interval for the arrival of a travelling theatre company which is to present an entertainment for the newly installed Emperor .
9 Nevertheless Poland was still encumbered by a poorly developed industrial sector , a primitive , almost feudal , agricultural system , an under-funded banking sector and a poorly integrated railway system , and was hampered by the fact that it paid out 40 per cent of Gross National Income ( approximately 28 per cent of all government expenditure ) to maintain an army that was second in size only to that of Russia .
10 The colour coding is as follows : blue represents a C site that was C in the preceding generation ; red , a D site following a D : yellow , D following a C ; and green , C following a D. Thus a purely red and blue pattern would necessarily be static .
11 The 1555 survey contains forty-six ( exclusive of men who were also freeholders ) , and it is reasonable to assume that something like thirty held land that was sublet in 1522 , an estimate that finds a measure of confirmation in the subsidy schedule which , perhaps in deference to the provision for the taxing of income from customary holdings , mentions the landed wealth of twenty-six men who were assessed on goods .
12 and two more Oxfordshire drivers Alastair Barnes and Jeff Orford also got home … and this year that was victory in itself …
13 I thought I was getting David and maybe a few personal possessions , but when he actually turned up , he was with a friend in a very large van , and this rather ethereal , thin , slightly spotty figure that was David in those days , dressed in extremely scruffy clothes , emerged from this van carrying a twelve string guitar , which it transpired was a present from Pete Townshend .
14 Gabriela Osvaldova , author of the lyrics , said the decision smacked of the censorship that was routine in four decades of communist rule in Czechoslovakia .
15 Mansell won five times and was second in the Championship for the third time in his career .
16 And was Brampton in his room ? ’
17 He was admitted to the Scots bar in 1924 and was counsel in three causes célèbres of the period .
18 From 1655 until his death he was an alderman of London , and was sheriff in 1657–8 .
19 Bill became assistant trainer to his father Jack in 1964 , who that year trained Indiana to win the St Leger and was runner-up in the Derby .
20 Sorry , if I could just clarify , I was actually at the meeting of Women 's Sub , erm as was Robin in fact , and they , the Women 's Sub-Committee considered the minute of this committee , and endorsed erm , in fact , Amanda did n't write until the meeting of women 's sub , because it was being considered by them , but erm they did n't add anything substantial to what was this committee had said and they did .
21 In 1974 the remaining ANC MPs were allowed to join UNIP , as was Kapwepwe in September 1978 .
22 In areas where other treponematoses used to be endemic , as was yaws in the West Indies , the eradication of the non-venereal treponemal disease has been followed by an upsurge in the incidence of syphilis , perhaps because there is an ecological niche to be filled .
23 The ‘ Celtic belt ’ was heavily forested in those days , as was Italy in pre-Roman times , and two large , rococo-ceilinged halls in the Palazzo Grassi have been turned into forests .
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